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AoS Event In Salem Sept. 18th


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Went great! Had 10? 11 people show up? From memory, the lists were Dwarfs, 2x Iron Jaws, 5x Chaos (3 Nurgle, 2 combined), Stormcast Eternals, and Fryedwarfs. The narrative portion could have been a lot better? Or I should say, the intro was awesome and the wrap up was great, I just wish there was something linking the three games together a bit better.


Krum the Barbarian and his band of Ironjaws went 1-2, but all the games were really close. I played a Nurgle Chaos army first game, lost as I just couldn't seem to kill the last couple models in units for a minor victory, second game was a Chaos army with mostly Nurgle, some Tzentch, Cultists, Nurgle Drones (cool!), and Chaos Knights. Lost that one because my opponent was able to place more models within 6" of the objective then me. A miscalculation on my part, but I did decimate his army pretty good and if we had played all five turns instead of 4, I'm pretty sure I could have pulled it out. :) Last game was against some insane Dwarfs with all kinds of bonuses: Immune to Battleshock, reroll ones to hit, reroll ones to wound, reroll saves, ward saves, and a bad ass Dwarf Lord that was hitting on 2+ wounding on 3+ and causing mortal wounds and... just insane and a blast to play! I won that game because on the final turn, his Dwarf Lord blew a 3" charge into Krum, who was able to then charge him and smash 'em good! LOL 


I had a great time and will be back again! This time, with a fully painted army.

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That's awesome - it's great to hear that you had fun.


I am kicking myself on the narrative because I had slides for each round but I got a bit frazzled and worried about time.


I will post the entire narrative later tonight in case anyone is interested in seeing it in it's entitety.


Thanks again for coming and providing helpful feedback. I am working on scheduling another one soon.

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I had a great time at this event as well. It was cheap (only 5 bucks), had plenty of easy parking, close by to a mall food court (so it made an easy way to take a quick lunch break) and they had a dedicated room in the back to run the event with plenty of terrain and tables. The only downside was the creepy Pokemon drawings adorning the walls...haha! Also despite the event only being 1000 points we still did not have enough time (yes I am a bit slow) to finish our games properly. But GW handles that pretty well be saying when the number of rounds is over or when the designated time was up. I know my first two games would have played out very differently if we had enough time to finish fully.


I fought against 2 Ironjawz armies and one Fyreslayers army. My first game against the Ironjawz really showed me how powerful of an army they are. They already get a ton of attacks that hit and wound on very respectable numbers, throw that on top of their ability to cause a WAAAGH giving them even more attacks makes them very deadly. My opponent in the first game was able to get a minor victory and somehow I was able to get a Major victory against an Ironjawz army in my second game. I am nearly positive that if we played both games out to completion my army would have been wiped out. My final game against the Fyreslayers was very intense, I won the roll off and had my opponent go first, he moved up with his army and put his Magmadroth within charging range of my army. He was only able to cause one wound on my army during his first turn. When it came around to my turn I charged his Magmadroth with my Plague Drones and Chaos Knights and was "just" able to kill him in one turn. Overall my opponent just got extremely unlucky with his rolls while my luck was on fire. He had one save that I believe he needed a 3+ to save, he rolled 4 dice and got three 2's and one 1, just brutal. I ended up just wiping his army off the board. Its one of those games where you almost feel guilty playing but he was a very good sport about it all.

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