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Holy requisitioner


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Neither of us is actually wrong. This is one of those weird gaps that shows up because GW doesn't understand the Rules they write, and there are multiple reasonable interpretations, and if you haven't gotten where I'm coming from with what I've said about it so far, I'm not going to be able to explain it, because I've run out of explanations.


So in practice, would you insist on roll off, or would we just use the poorly written IC rules that say special rules don't apply unless specifically noted? Or another result?


I do understand your reasoning, and it really is just that one line in the IC section that creates the issues. And I agree, sometimes it does seem like GW doesn't know what they wrote (or copied & pasted....).

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Here's another angle on it: The Rule isn't actually transferred to the Character. It just sort of drags him along, by the nature of the way the various Rules interact. The Unit Deep Strikes, not scattering because it's within 6" of the Dominus, and then the IC is placed in BtB not because he is affected by that Rule, but simply because that's how you place an IC that's Joined to a Deep Striking Unit.


Another example would be an IC attached to a Unit with Dunestrider. The IC doesn't gain the extra 3" of Movement each time, but if that extra 3" lets the Unit complete a Charge that they would otherwise fail, the IC still gets pulled along and is Locked in the Combat, just because he's Joined to the Unit, even tho he's probably ending up at the back and will need a couple of Pile In Moves before he can actually participate.

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