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40k Comp system

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I'll stick with our current bitching. Also, Sylvos! I SUMMON THEE!


I sensed a disturbance in the Force...


I find both systems to be just plain silly.  The fantasy Swedish system provides an "illusion" of fairness and control in a system that really has no balance much like 40k.


I have always taken a grim stance on banning anything as I feel that telling someone they can't bring their toys is just stupid.


For the arguments of "dude it breaks the game, it's not fun to play against, man it just ruins everything" - I would just say that it's going to be ok.

Be cool bro.


Composition is just an artifice of illusion.  Any comp system can be made filthy if there is a desire, what you need to do is change the community not the composition.

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You are wrong pretre. As soon as you take a third troop choice you are paying the tax on necrons. I haven't looked at new eldar book but it prevents the swarm of 6 units of scatbikes. I feel spamming the same unit over and over is the most painful thing at events. Beat my pants off fine, just don't do it with min/max spam.

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You are wrong pretre. As soon as you take a third troop choice you are paying the tax on necrons. I haven't looked at new eldar book but it prevents the swarm of 6 units of scatbikes. I feel spamming the same unit over and over is the most painful thing at events. Beat my pants off fine, just don't do it with min/max spam.

The problem is the both Eldar and Necrons have so many good units that the spam tax doesn't hurt their efficacy. 


I could easily build a facestomping eldar list without ever having the spam tax kick in and it would be min maxed to hell. Just because it isn't 3 or more of the same unit doesn't make it any better. You may like it aesthetically better, but it doesn't help balance anything.


What it does is hurt is codexes that don't have that many good units in their book. If your book only has one good unit in each FOC category, your spam tax kills their chances of competing with the good books that have more than one.

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Agree with pretre regarding the comp system and sisters. Doesn't seem very balanced for armies with very few troops choices, or very few selections in general.


As a fan land raiders, I think they are very overpriced in this comp system. I kinda wonder what the aussie meta is like where the land raiders are such a big deal.

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I don't care I would rather lose to a mixed army than beat a sisters army with 6 units of sisters and 3 missile piano tanks

Okay, so we're not talking about using comp to balance things. We're talking about comp to keep Skkipper from having his aesthetic sensibilities offended.

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40k has never been balanced. We could just go back to giving an army 0-10 points on comp by the players playing against it. the problem is too many players get all hurt if there opponent gives them a zero then play their friend with a cheese list and gives him a ten.

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I think the comp scores worked well back in 2nd 3rd and 4th editions. It really made people not take obvious i am a jerk lists. I still did. I put together a 888 point 8 man khorne chosen on bikes unit in chaos 3.5. It was tough and I got would get dinged on comp points but it was fun to play.

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The power levels between books are so huge. It can't be balanced. We just need to punish players who take power lists.

Some sort of electric collar which zaps players when they field power lists?

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The power levels between books are so huge. It can't be balanced. We just need to punish players who take power lists. That is what old comp scores did. You could win all your games yet not win anything at an event.


As soon as you can get every single 40K player to agree on what constitutes "power lists" then I am perfectly okay with this.



Who controls the remote?


That's the adorable part- everyone thinks that they will be the ones in charge of the remote and they're in favor of the idea as long as they think that, but as soon as it becomes clear that someone else is going to be running it, suddenly the prospect seems less attractive.

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I liked Flugers post.  There are a few little niche units that can REALLY overwhelm you, and although not huge in number, they absolutely do affect everyone else's builds!


Composition doesn't bother me at all.  I think it's the natural result of any large group that values the social contract.  I think that is what first attracted me to the OFCC.  My VERY first tournament EVER was OFCC Fantasy!  True story.  Got dragged there knowing the game very poorly, by Russ and Noah.


But I left there and returned to the normality of things back home and realized that while I didn't REALLY care what other people brought to the table, it was clear that I definitely enjoyed myself more when I was trying to make "Friendly" (some have called them unorthodox) units function better and when my opponent wasn't groaning as the sight of {fill in the blank unit that they assume is too much}.  It became a kind of challenge for me after I saw OFCC to try and draw up every list with an eye towards composition.  I was religious for a very long time about always having 33% troops in my force and blah blah blah.  I wanted to get GOOD at the game using those units the OFCC would see as friendly.


So OFCC impacted me a LOT as a gamer.  Composition isn't a dirty word to me.  Happens every year at OFCC to an extent, and I have always loved that.  I have felt that its steadily diminishing interest in composition has been a sad thing.  it shifted from composition per se to "equality" as a goal; and I suppose that's one more way to tackle it, but it's at the cost of seeing the full panoply of the codex's more often than not.  Ive gotten used to it and have tried to keep up with the times.


Sicne its the subject line, I'll say that it always comes down to HOW you restrict the composition, for then as soon as someones list is affected by that HOW, they freak.  "Comp is stupid" comes next.  What can ya' do?  Self interest wins every time.  Just does.

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