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New ITC Poll

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"Gate" is just the word you add to literally any event when you aren't happy with the outcome to imply that some sort of unfairness, controversy, or underhanded practice. Didn't get mustard on your hot dog? HotGate. Didn't like how the recent vote on Hellstorm weapons went? HellGate. Etc.

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Are Combi-Plasmas any good against Wraithknights? I'm pretty sure they aren't.

They can work, but aren't a great solution. It's a lot of points for the combi-weapons and the plas overheat. I had a 10-man combi-plas pod unit for a number of years. You'd lose a few members with the plasma overheats, but the unit does do impressive damage. Main issue is that the Wraithknight is too cheap to dedicated an equal or greater number of points to defeating. Looking at 300-ish points for 1 shooting phase of value. In general, the 10-man combi-plas approach became obsolete when FNP was no longer denied by AP2.


As for Wraithknight solutions, I think assault would be pretty easy for the standard melee solutions to Imperial knights (assault centurions, DW knights, and so forth).


At range, it would depend on cover, but the basic lascannons would be the ideal solution. Devastators or Devastator Centurions should do the trick. Could also look into FW options like the ROC Storm Eagle Variant, which is designed for MC hunting.



:( oh well I still wouldn't use combi grav on non relentless models but I guess I could see the temptation

You could look into an entire unit with grav pistols. Command Squad or Vanguard Vets should be able to do it. Expensive, but it would solve the relentless issue.


Other approach would be to make them relentless via bio-mancy.

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Pax then we get into less Shots and dependability issues. I'm just so frustrated at the salvo thing. If it was just the slash number of shots I'd be fine but the half range too! Alternatively if is was always the greater number of shots but the range changed on the move I'd be fine as well.


I love the idea of noise Marines as well but omg why salvo. Why are you so cool sounding but so bad...

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"Gate" is just the word you add to literally any event when you aren't happy with the outcome to imply that some sort of unfairness, controversy, or underhanded practice. Didn't get mustard on your hot dog? HotGate. Didn't like how the recent vote on Hellstorm weapons went? HellGate. Etc.


Well, not quite.  I think it has more to do with suspicion of people in charge doing shady things behind the scenes to further their own goals and agendas under various degrees of false pretense.  



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Pax then we get into less Shots and dependability issues. I'm just so frustrated at the salvo thing. If it was just the slash number of shots I'd be fine but the half range too! Alternatively if is was always the greater number of shots but the range changed on the move I'd be fine as well.


I love the idea of noise Marines as well but omg why salvo. Why are you so cool sounding but so bad...

Yeah, was just showing options. Agree that the salvo is somewhat lacking.


Combi-grav should be able to get in grav range via pod without too much disaster. Should be at least as viable as the plasma, even with salvo. If the concern is directed at the 9" range, the grav pistol has 12" even if 1 less shot - would only help if you thought that 3" or the ability to assault after shooting would be the difference in value.


I don't really recommend this, as I don't think the combi-grav would have enough value when taken in this quantity, especially on sternguard, as the special ammo will likely be more viable in all situations aside from gargantuan creatures (and if the glance+immobilized result is valuable enough on 1 target).


Anyway, wraithknights will die to anything SM that strikes with intiative order (I:4+) at ap2 or 3 and enough strength to wound. That would be the Centurion Assault Drills, Dreadnought power fists, and Characters with Relic Blades + hammer hand.


Ignoring the initiative order requirement, power fists, thunderhammers and melta bombs will all do just fine.


For range, there's a wide variaty, with S8+ weapons being ideal. Wraithknights might even be enough to justify HK missiles.


I will note that stock sternguard hellfire rounds while only wounding on 6s, are still the only bolter round that can wound T8, so they aren't entirely useless.

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I say, sir! You seem to have missed the joke!


Hadn't slept in 35 hours, had funeral services to go to instead of sleeping yesterday.  More than I care to admit sores over my head that haggard.



Either way, I don't know if anyone is calling it FrontlineGate.  I haven't seen it in "Important News According to Facebook," either, unlike GamerGate, whatever the hell that is.  Unless that is this?


Lots of debate about shooting people with your D equates to inequality of women within the gaming community, right?

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Hell, when OFCC did INAT, I still said KFF only gave out 5+ to my vehicles even though INAT said 4+.


Well given that a big FAQ issue is the VSG.... Which can be a game changer... I dont think discussing it with a green tide player who is intending to use the VSG as FAQed is really going to work.

You either use the FAQ entries or you don't. You can pick them as a TO to be used, but you really can't have the situation where players RPSLS over the FAQ.

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You're on the LRC, you tell me if you see a Green Tide + VSG, then we can start having a discussion, until then?


If I ever get acces to the forum I'm sure we'll have a few discussions!

That has not happened yet. And yes, I've PM a few people...

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Ok, this is getting confusing!

As a captain I'd appreciated some clarity from the TO.


ITC consists of essentially three distinct elements. There is the ITC itself, which is essentially just a scoring system- tournaments that are part of ITC can submit the results of the tournament to Frontline and Reece and the others will update the ITC rankings based on who placed where in the tournament. The OFCC singles event is part of ITC, but the team event is not (as it doesn't meet the qualifications.)


Second, there is the ITC FAQ, which acts as a supplement to the official GW FAQs. Organizers are free to use these (or not) as they please, as ITC itself has no official policy on the matter at all. Strictly speaking, this does not include the rules changes they have made to Invisibility, Str D weapons, or 2+ rerollable saves, but it is not uncommon for tournaments to include some of these elements. OFCC (both halves of it) will be using these FAQs.


Third, there is the ITC tournament format, which is a specific set of six missions that combine standard book missions with an alternate maelstrom table and different secondary objectives (Slay the Warlord, etc) to create more variety in play. Like the FAQs, use of these missions by tournaments is entirely optional; to the best of my knowledge, OFCC has not said anything about whether they will use them (although, were I to guess, I suspect they will not be.)

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Second, there is the ITC FAQ, which acts as a supplement to the official GW FAQs. Organizers are free to use these (or not) as they please, as ITC itself has no official policy on the matter at all. Strictly speaking, this does not include the rules changes they have made to Invisibility, Str D weapons, or 2+ rerollable saves, but it is not uncommon for tournaments to include some of these elements. OFCC (both halves of it) will be using these FAQs.



So are we using the Str D, invisibility modified rules as you outlined above?

I think this is cause the most confusion.

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