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Leviathan by FASA

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Aetherstream is FASA's science fiction universe where five primary factions and their allies fight for dominance.  Interceptor is for starfighter combat and skirmish actions involving light forces.  Leviathan is for capital ship combat with the fate of whole star systems hanging in the balance.


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I loved this and Interceptor, back in the day. Only ever got 1 or 2 friends to play it with me, but hey, my first actual Axis and Allies game was a solo venture.  Pretty sure I bought it at the B&I. Probably stopped by to see poor Ivan.

The "3d box design" for the ships was a step up from the BattleTech 2d folded cardboard or the Star Frontiers 1d counters. Right around the time I discovered Ral Partha minis for that one game I actually could get my friends to play... 




Also, what's up with that dude's posture?

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