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Have a ~3,000 pt Dark Elf army for Warhammer the Old World that I'd be interested in trading for a 40k or AoS force. Happy to meet up at any of the local PDX game shops 

All models based for the latest Old World version of WHFB. For cavalry, when separate, none of the riders are glued and have been held on by bluetac. For infantry, shields have been kept off for painting. 
1 Dreadlord on Black Dragon - Plastic - Primed Chaos Black
1 Sorceress on foot - Plastic - Primed Grey Seer 
1 Sorceress on pegasus (conversion)- soreceress metal/ pegasus Plastic - Primed chaos black
1 Sorceress on cold one - metal - primed Mechanicus standard grey 
1 Dread lord on foot with shield - Metal - primed Mechanicus standard grey -
1 Dread lord/master on foot with aditional hand weapon (fleetmaster model) - plastic- primed Mechanicus standard grey  
1 Master with Battle Standard Bearer (converted) - Plastic - Primed Mechanicus standard grey  
1 Beast master on scourgerunner chariot (conversion) - Plastic - Primed Mechanicus standard grey  
- crew kept separate for painting and primed Grey seer
22 Spearmen - Plastic - Primed Mechanicus standard grey
- Full command
- shields kept detached for painting
10 Dark Riders - Plastic - Primed Chaos Black 
20 Corsairs - Plastic - Primed Mechanicus standard grey 
- Full command
10 Cold One Knights - Plastic - Primed Mechanicus standard grey 
- Full command
- shields kept detached for painting
22 Executioners - Metal - Primed Chaos Black 
- Full command
1 cold one chariot - Plastic - Primed Mechanicus standard grey 
- crew kept separate and primed Grey seer
2 Bolt throwers - Metal - Painted  
- crews primed Mechanicus standard grey
1 Hydra - Metal - Painted  
- tamers primed Grey seer
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  • volirvy changed the title to sold!

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