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DeTour: The DEconstructed TOURnament League

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Stand back, sports fans, we have a serious battle going on in this league: three players tied at the top of the standings! And everyone else is still in striking distance (except little ol' me). 

Round 3 Results 


In related news, we are absolutely crushing the schedule for games! Huge thanks to all the players for the energy to knock these out. It's like a smoothly running tournament - crazy! 🙂

Round 4 schedule coming up in the next post.

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Round 4 Matchups 

Buckle up, we are crossing the halfway point in the season with a roar of mighty beasts and bloody knuckles. The excitement is high, and the casualty rate is higher! 

@scotthartman vs. @Dark Trainer

@AttackCowboy vs. @Burk

@Weav vs. @Giandroid

@savion47 vs. @Maxwell Christian

Round 4 Rules

This round we travel to the frigid lands of Norsca-- err, I mean Canada, to play for the glory of the mighty Spike! trophy. As one of the four original majors, this tournament is steeped in tradition and even moreso in blood. NOTE that the rules have recently been updated by the TOs so be sure to refer to their website directly for team builds: 


Good luck, coaches! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rounding the corner into Round 5, we're headed for a photo finish! The first annual DeTour League championship is still completely up for grabs. An extra TD here and an additional CAS (or two or three) there, and the glory could go to anyone. 

Round 4 Results 



Round 5 Matchups

@scotthartman vs @Weav

@AttackCowboy vs @Maxwell Christian

@Dark Trainer vs @savion47

@Burk vs @Giandroid

This round sees the league returning to the comforts of home: U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! Time for some good old fashioned mayhem in the form of the Chaos Cup. Be sure to read the official tournament website for the latest rules updates: 

ChaosCup.com Rules

As befits the moniker, there are a lot of wild rules added to this tournament in the form of the Chaos Round (also referred to as the Mutation Round in the rules), and several special Star Players. Be sure to read the rules carefully! 

CHAOS ROUND: The DeTour League game counts as the Chaos Cup Round 6 Chaos (Mutation) Round, because that means more fun! Per the CC rules, coaches must clearly mark the player receiving the mutation, but you are not required to use a Skill Disk for the marker (though you are encouraged to because they stack so conveniently!). 

For reference, here is a clip of the particularly wild and unique rules: 



Before Round 6, but after you know who you are playing, you may award 2 mutations to your team


  • The players gaining the mutations must be the lineman position type (0-12 or 0-16) on your team and cannot have been given an additional skill increase for the tournament already
  • You must clearly mark which players have which mutation and make sure your opponent knows what you have chosen before the game begins
  • If your team race is a CHAOS, CHAOS PACT, NURGLE, or KHORNE team, you are an exception to the above “Linemen only” rule for awarding mutations. You can still only award a mutation to a  player that has not yet received an upgrade, but it can be any player type, not just 0-12 / 0-16



Chaos Cup STAR PLAYERS (Immune to the Highlander Rule)


Losteriksson and Bjarnhildr - Star Players are Available to purchase for 270K for your roster for all rounds and BOTH Stars count as ONE Star Player but count as 2 roster slots


Losteriksson - Norse Hero
MA6, ST4, AG3+, PA 3+, AV 9+ 

Skills: Block, Jump Up, Dauntless, Thickskull + Drunkard, Loner 4+
*However, if either Losteriksson or Bjarnhildr are removed from play due to suffering a KO’d or Casualty! result on the Injury table, the other replaces the Loner (4+) trait with the Loner (2+) trait.


Bjarnhildr - War Bear
MA4, ST5, AG5+, PA -, AV 10+ 

Skills: Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Thickskull + Unchanneled Fury, No Hands, Loner 4+
*However, if either Losteriksson or Bjarnhildr are removed from play due to suffering a KO’d or Casualty! result on the Injury table, the other replaces the Loner (4+) trait with the Loner (2+) trait.


Cipactlicihuatl aka CiCi - Lustrian Lycanthrope will also be allowed from 2023 for 240K

Coaches will determine Amazon or Saurus form after finding out the opponent’s race but before seeing the roster…CiCi will change form to the alternate version at half time.


One HALF - Saurus Form
MA6, ST4, AG5+, PA 6+, AV 10+ Skills: Block, Mighty Blow, Frenzy & Loner (3+)


One HALF - Amazon Form

MA7, ST3, AG3+, PA 4+, AV 8+ Skills: Dodge, Side Step, Jump Up, PRO & Loner (3+)


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One game left in Round 5 between @burkdawg and @giandroid. While Giandroid is playing for pride, Burk still has a chance to leapfrog into second place to play for the Championship in Round 6. He needs 4 points to tie with @attackcowboy and @darktrainer, or 5 points to skip the line and go directly to the Championship versus @undertheglow. Can he do it, or will Giandroid put a stop to his pursuit of glory? Find out next week when they play! 

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Round 5 Results

A round full of surprises with a couple of Draws between heavyweights and a big Win by Giandroid, who is on a tear through the back half of the season. Nice job, everyone! We're down the final week to determine the first ever DeTour League Champion! 


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Round 6 Matchups

With multiple ties in League Points, I'm sticking with the least number of duplicate matchups for the season. Miraculously, that means only one for the whole campaign, with a rematch of savion47 vs. Weav. Meanwhile, Giandroid continues his rocket trip to the top, playing scotthartman at the tippy-top of the standings. 

@scotthartman vs @Giandroid

@AttackCowboy vs. @Dark Trainer

@Burk vs @Maxwell Christian

@savion47 vs @Weav

Round 6 Ruleset 

For the final week of the season, we travel to Espana to revisit the NAF World Cup 2023. The rules are a year old, so keep in mind that you can include Gnomes at Tier 4


As the last round of the inaugural DeTour League, we're adopting the NASCAR tournament scoring and spicing it up by DOUBLING LEAGUE POINTS this round. More coaches with more chances to be Champion makes for more fun and mayhem, so make those TDs and Casualties count! 


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22 hours ago, Dark Trainer said:

@jollyork, HUGE thanks for running this league. This has been one of the best designs I've participated in. Really like the tournament style and the tournament practice it allows. Great design, and thanks for the effort!


So much variation in just 6 matches.

Aww shucks! Thanks to you and all the coaches for making this little experiment work so smoothly. I'm happy there was so much enthusiasm for the format and excitement right up to the last round! 

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