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No new starter box yet?!?


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 Could use more Orks (as always) and the Wolves my be just what I need to get a Space Marine chapter going:)


 Ive purchased several SM models in the last 6 mos but really cant seem to get into them ..is converting regular marines to SW that hard to do?..is there any bit kits available for that?

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 Could use more Orks (as always) and the Wolves my be just what I need to get a Space Marine chapter going:)


 Ive purchased several SM models in the last 6 mos but really cant seem to get into them ..is converting regular marines to SW that hard to do?..is there any bit kits available for that?

Yes, it's pretty easy. If you buy one box of grey hunters, you could kit out tons of normal marines plus the 10 you get in the kit.

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Alaric Prime is a planet sundered by war as the Orkish Hordes assail the last bastion of resistance, Sacred Mountain. Imperial Knights and Cadians regiments are all but defeated. Face Rippas death was exaggerated, Krom Dragongaze, a new special character for Space Wolves is set for epic clash as the second installment of Sanctus Reach continues.


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 Could use more Orks (as always) and the Wolves my be just what I need to get a Space Marine chapter going:)


 Ive purchased several SM models in the last 6 mos but really cant seem to get into them ..is converting regular marines to SW that hard to do?..is there any bit kits available for that?

All my SW are a mix of Tac Squad and GH parts. They're totally interchangeable, and there are a bunch of decorative SW bits that you can put on to turn even things like AoBR Marines into SW. I find I actually like them better when the wolfy stuff is a bit less concentrated and there's some plain armour in there for it to contrast with.

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From dakka:


I'm not sure if it's been posted already

box content:

1 x Ork force made-up of 5 Ork Nobz; 10 Ork Gretchin; one Runtherd; and 3 Killa Kans

1 x Space Wolf force made-up of 5 Wolf Guard Terminators; 5 Grey Hunters; and 5 Blood Claws

2 x brand new plastic characters - Ork Warboss Grukk Face-rippa and Wolf Lord Krom Dragongaze

1 x 32 page campaign booklet which includes datasheets and narrative missions

1 x 208 page small format softback version of the Warhammer 40,000: The Rules


for a price just a little shy of 100 euro


Oh and it's while stocks last.

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A few bits from GW to me:

-This is a one off item. Meaning they are making xxx amount of stormclaw sets, and that's pretty much it. It's not mean't to be the starter set for 7th edition. Now, I don't know what the actual number is. Could sell out in a week, could be around in a year. It's only getting one print run and when it's gone, it's gone. At some point in the next few weeks we'll see a DV re-release with the 7th edition rule book. I'm assuming the rulebook in SC and DV are the same, but do not have confirmation on that.
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