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New epic rumor

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So apparently where I saw the first info was on spikey bitz web site, not bell of lost souls. Not sure how I feel about it being a HH game only.  I guess that is a safe way for GW to release the game, and judge its popularity. It lets them keep models to a reasonable limit. Ugh. I really like the Epic scale. But GW totally priced AT out of my "acceptable" range. 🙂 Nothing new of course...but still just sucks to see something that interests me but know that the pricing is going to be bonkers.

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1 hour ago, Torg said:

hmmm the current Epic rules play just fine... even if it is out of print lol.

And with 3d printing - you can have just about any army you can think of - easy.



Ooo, where are these prints from? I have a bunch of the Ankylo Miniatures Necrons waiting for me to pick up, plus I was able to get ahold of the files if I need more of them.

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40 minutes ago, Torg said:

I will have to go back and look at where I got all of those files - most were on Cults and Thingieverse if I would have to guess.  I will see if I can track down the files and get you the exact names.

Ok cool! No worries if it's a hassle, just thought they looked cool! I like the Ankylo Monoliths but they are a little busy, these ones looks perfect.

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