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Alpha Legion (wip)


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Splintered from the "What Marine Chapter is Next" thread



Thought it was confusing to have the poll topic present when chapter had been decided, hence splintered thread.


Got a Rhino assembled and painted a chapter logo on it (Pre-Heresy). Rhino isn't done, but it gives me something to post for progress. Two photos, one with flash and one without.



Still need to touch up the blue and silver, maybe add a wash, and then seal the model. Then, for the theme, I am going to cover most of that nice chapter logo with a bit of cloth with a ultramarine "U" stamped on it.


Thoughts, comments and suggestions related to paint/modeling are very welcome. I have a second thread started to cover the rules aspects in the 40k section: http://www.ordofanaticus.com/index.php?/topic/20969-alpha-legion-wip/




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Much is still undecided. My fortress of redemption will likely be dedicated to this army - it's paint scheme coincidentally matches.


I ordered the bits for that chaos warshrine's "mounts" that look like two mutated ogres. Idea is to have one of them "carrying" my Nurgle-marked Sorcerer lord for the palanquin of nurgle upgrade. I don't want the nurglings, even though they look really cool - I'm trying hard to deviate from the CSM look, while remaining a bit CSM-ish. 


More photos when I get them.

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The pipe tops on the old rhinos are always coming off and removing them and putting in a small length of brass pipe looks really good also replace the stock skinny bolters with the thicker 2nd edition ones if you have them as it looks more like an actual boltgun rather than skinny blades of what are those. 

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The pipe tops on the old rhinos are always coming off and removing them and putting in a small length of brass pipe looks really good also replace the stock skinny bolters with the thicker 2nd edition ones if you have them as it looks more like an actual boltgun rather than skinny blades of what are those. 

Hmmm...good call. Not sure if I've got the 2nd bolters, but the pipes should be an easy one.

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Hmmm...good call. Not sure if I've got the 2nd bolters, but the pipes should be an easy one.

I know I have a few kicking about that I wont be using and if I haven't used em by now I think they are better of with someone who will use them. Let me root through my bits and see what I got.

Edit: more than a few definitely enough for a few Rhinos and spares.

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Hmmm... Project's progressing. Got the bits for my sorcerer lord. Expensive conversion, ~$30 in so far in bits and such. Loving it, worth every penny.


I am debating actually using Ultramarine rules. I am keeping the theme of Alpha Legion disguised as Ultramarines, without question. The unit that causes pause on that front is the Dreadclaws, which I love, but don't fit in the CSM army (FW rules). Two solutions there. First, and the easiest would be to mount it on a flying stand and call it a helldrake. It is a flyer even in FW rules, so it wouldn't be too much a stretch. Other option would be to covert them into defilers. The Defiler route would be pretty awesome and it is true that both dreadclaws are damaged, so some repair/conversion is required no matter how I decided to run them. I suppose a third option remains to use them as backdrop elements and just field them in FW allowed games. A bit sad, that one, but not a horrible option.

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Alright. Figured out the dreadclaws. Going to get soulgrinder/defiler legs. I'm going to magnetize them in the bottom "opening" so they emerge as if it were a large squid. They'll then be one of the walker daemons from the CSM. With the magnets, they can still be pods.


Sorcerer lord is very awesome on his base. Need to take photos.

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