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Annihilation the Weekender - not your typical event


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I just want to post this in the 40k forum, just in case people missed it in the tournament section.  Coming up in March is Annihilation: The Weekender.  This is a two day tournament at Guardian Games.  Now, while it does give ITC points for those interested in that type of thing, it's also heavily geared towards more causal players.  First, we're using random draws from an open war deck to determine map/mission/twist.  That randomness alone makes it pretty casual.  In addition, I will be adding 40k Achievement Bingo!  Everyone will get a card, and when they get a bingo, they earn a command point. The major prizes go to best overall (battle points and best painted) and best painted, with best general bringing up the pack.  So, in short, if you've been hesitant to jump into a "tournament" this is exactly the type of event to ease you into it.  If you're familiar with the tournament scene, this is exactly the event to break up the monotony of the endless ITC mission repetition.

And finally, the proceeds of this event (minus event costs) go to the Oregon Food Bank.  So, you get to geek out and help those in need.  Plus, your entry fee includes a pizza lunch on Saturday.

Anyway, hope to see folks there.


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3 hours ago, Lord Hanaur said:

Food Bank you say?  Oh...I do like to support that.  Favorite charity in fact...  You should include a food donation requirement or something for the entry fee.  Havent looked yet, maybe you already did


A good chunk of the proceeds (everything not required to run it) go to the food bank, which they generally like more than canned goods since they can pick what they need. :)


From the page:


"Where Your Money Goes

30 players at $50 each, yields $1500.  We lose a portion of each payment to Best Coast Pairings.  We spend $750 on space rental, pizza,  trophies and raffle prizes.  The remaining funds all go to the Oregon Food Bank.  No profit is made off this event."

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