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I want to play 4th ed codex Tyranids

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respectfully disagree at this point my friend, let's just let em play for the first few games, just to get a benchmark for the codex. We can move forward from there.


Problem with that is we would have to get rid of premeasuring, etc. We'd be using the new unit type rules, vehicle rules, flyer rules etc. Based on this the rule book would need to Clown some things. Premeasuring only really works if charge ranges are random. This in turn changed beasts from moving 6 with a random single d6 run, and 12 inch assault to now 12 inch move with 2d6 rerollable (separately charge range). Leaping is the odd thing other wise New rules are better statistically.


So like I said main rules would need to Clown for actual playability. Powers stats etc can totally come from the codex. If a rule refrences a universal we use current printing. Best way to make this work is to change the game as little as possible to begin with. Write a list and document the specific instances a rule in your codex is replacing a main rulebook, which should Clown in your opinion and why. Balance is not unit by unit it is army holistic you will be getting cheaper MCs that are really good, decent bs venom cannons that while glance only will still strip hull points fast, and other goodies.


Also I said general rule, not iron clad of doom. You already agreed no fixed charge length and remember beasts auto get fleet for the rerolls


Edit also I'm only talking big rule book, I don't want to reference the new nids book in any way if we are playing the old school one, if we can help it... These are just an opening frame work so we can find oddities to start translating

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You already agreed no fixed charge length and remember beasts auto get fleet for the rerolls

I have the right to change my mind and reconsider.


What I am suggesting is basic trouble shooting or testing theory Corey, that is all.  Get a benchmark, go from there.  You're changing things that you, frankly, may not entirely understand.  You don't play nids, you've never played nids.  You haven't played against this codex in years.  Please keep all that in mind, we can get into changing leaping and making changes to the codex after a couple games, I'm entirely open to that.  All that I am asking is a few games to get a benchmark, but like I said, if you don't want to play those games, I am ok with that.


*Edit: and honestly, I'm not really interested in arguing with you about it.

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Fixed charges is a huge problem for this edition. I actually pulled out the book [i have it (I did proxy some Games way back and play the book a bit ;)] and started looking... Leaping gives the beats/cavalry charge, without changing their unit type. This doesn't help hormies at all currently, as a beast charge is the same as every one else you do get extra attack distance which is cool but not worth The points.


I'm looking at ways to give you a longer dependable charge distance with leaping. Rules as intended... Charge lengths are not fixed right now and nothing has a double charge any more. Beasts just move faster, one thing I didn't catch originally was that hormies were already beasts.


Like I was saying let's look at the rules you want to use and see which ones don't sink up well and why.


Leaping seems to be the only one.


Further options cuz I want you to get outta the raw here as we will be playing deep in rai.


Leaping options I'd like to try:

Ignore 12" charge keep support range (nerfiest and personally my least favorite, everything could charge 12" as a Max charge range currently)


Eliminate all rules current and give them remove casualties when charging at the end of the fight sub phase after all attacks have been struck (changes their use drastically but allows them to be that assault into terrain the book has always been missing and you can still try longer charges as your closest model will be the closest even after over watch)


And I new one I just thought of steal swift strider from fantasy! Roll an extra D6 for charge distance and discard the lowest (this would cancel out the penalty for terrain, remember hormies are fleet as well and would get rerolls, this should give really long charges statistically)


Failing that I'd be willing to roll the whole game back to 4th ed I still have all the books. No more premeasure and them you can have your fixed charge distances

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