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I made a few movement trays last night and rebased my assassin, shades unit, and sorceress on foot.  Boooooring! :)

I still can't get the khaki color mixes exactly right, so I'm just gonna have to give up and deal with a not-perfect match from unit to unit.  Eh, probably won't be noticeable.  I hope!

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I still can't get the khaki color mixes exactly right, so I'm just gonna have to give up and deal with a not-perfect match from unit to unit.  Eh, probably won't be noticeable.  I hope!


I'll notice.  I'll notice and tut disapprovingly.  Your mother also sent me a quick note saying how disappointed she was in you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Put in quite a bit of time this weekend and all I have to show is 8 new movement trays and 5 assembled and primed Dark Riders (all magnetized, painted, based edges, etc., but still… boring!)


I'm going to try airbrushing the khaki base color on the Dark Riders.  We'll see how that goes over black primer!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Boy has my progress stalled!  I am half way through painting a new unit of Dark Riders and really not liking how they are turning out.  I need to change their color scheme up.


In the meantime I dropped my "Sand Wyrm" (dragon/manticore) model and broke it in several pieces… it was bound to happen as it was top heavy and has just a 50mm x 50mm base.  I'm re-assembling it and have to touch up the paint, but I'm also going to mount it in a permanent "movement tray" that will make it more stable.  It's going to stick out in the back but models couldn't go there anyway because of the tail of my model, so hopefully this will be acceptable to people.  It's no different than any other unit in a movement tray, you can still see where the actual model's base is and use that for templates, charge range etc..  I'll post pics when I've got him all fixed.  The rider was destroyed almost beyond repair so I'm going to have to convert a new one.  Most of his paint was damaged and his face would have to be resculpted.   VonRuger, I think he finally got his come-uppance ;)

At this point I'm just hoping I can get him ready for the Rampage!  And I still have a BSB and 5 Dark Riders to finish.  Yikes!  Better get back to the workbench as soon as I can… 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's the 2000 point build I took to the Rampage:


General Aculeus - Dreadlord on Cold One


Commander Keels - BSB on Cold One


L2 Sorceress on Dark Steed


L2 Sorceress on foot


10 Darkshards with SB, Mus


10 Darkshards with SB, Mus


10 Corsairs


5 Dark Riders with Mus


15 Black Guard with FC


8 Cold One Knights with FC


War Hydra with Fiery Breath


It was a fine list for a fairly friendly tournament environment.  The Corsairs and Darkshards were mostly useless, and the Black Guard were purely a speed bump.  But the Cold One Knights were fantastic and had some seriously hot dice all day, and the Hydra won me a key combat by dealing something like 8 breath weapon wounds on 11 hits!

Fun army and I would play it again, but I needed that Dark Peg war machine hunter withe Cloak (which I'm still converting so didn't have) because I was totally at the mercy of war machines with big blocks of infantry in front of them.

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  • 3 months later...

Well with summer coming to a close, and all the music festivals and travel behind me, I'm finally able to sit down and work on my army in preparation for the OFCC which is just a week away.  Sheesh, too much fun stuff to do in the summer time!!

Today I assembled, based, magnetized, primered and am about 1/3 of the way through base-coating my unit of 5 Warlocks.


I've still got to finish base coating a unit of 5 Dark Riders, and then finish paint them, and the 5 Warlocks.


And, I have a Master on Dark Peg to build from scratch, but I have the bits all in hand.


Tomorrow is going to be tough to sit inside and paint but if I can find a few hours on Sat and a few hours on Sunday I should be able to get the units into reasonable shape. 

Tomorrow's goal: finish paint a single Dark Rider so I know what I'm base coating is going to work out.  Stretch goal: also paint a single Warlock!


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