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Posts posted by scottshoemaker

  1. 1 hour ago, Torg said:

    Point is - less is more... keep noodling - but think about how you plan on using it.


    Just to put this out there, the only reason I'm doing this myself is I have $0 budget. Otherwise I'd have hired someone already.


    I know I want a flat logo, it needs to have a strong silhouette that is recognizable in one color.

    I know I want to convey the concept of printing, or creating.

    I know I want to convey a games concept.  

    I know I want bold sans-serif typeface.

    I don't want photoshop effects (drop shadow, bevels, glow, etc)

    I'm only doing business cards and web presence.

    The nozzle and cube theme (with variants) are what I found during research, With the cube bringing some organic negative space. The crossed swords are what I landed on to tie in some kind wargame element.

    I had toyed with the nozzle as a classic gantry style crane, printing a grill helm, but dismissed that as too busy.


    I'm really not trying to change the world on this, so reinventing the swoosh isn't on my radar.

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, Brother Glacius said:

    Gah! my TY opponent had to back out. I do have two forces though, so I guess I'll make some smaller lists and do demo games for people wanting to learn to play? I have terrain that I can bring, do I need to bring a mat too? Please let me know.

    Please bring everything you need.

  3. 10 minutes ago, reynor said:

    I’d pay the Etsy prices because I don’t have a printer and don’t want to bother with figuring the process out, but I’d rather support Scott

    Thanks! The Printworks is helping pay for kids college.

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    • Thanks 1
  4. An all day gaming and BBQ bonanza.

    My house. Vancouver, WA

    June 25 10AM-8PM.

    I'll supply the burgers and dogs and the tables. You bring the games, terrain, the chairs, and the sides.

    Reply here so I can provide enough food.

    Looks like several games are planned.

    (Yes, I already cleared it with my wife. She'll be out of town)

    Nerd up!

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