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Posts posted by Aldroud

  1. I know I'm behind the times, only recently found out about Warhammer being killed off. Damn, never did get to play a game of 8th edition.


    So downloaded KoW free rules. Like what I see. Can mostly run my Orcs same as always - no archer Orcs tho, gonna have to change that.


    Anyone else looking for refuge from the Old World?

  2. Man, I loved Korea. If you get a chance, go through a local market. Look for the rice cookies with red bean filling. They look like little green, pink, or white balls and are oh so good. If dining out, ask for kim bim bop, its a sort of Califirnia roll and bim bim bop, a fired atone bowl with noodles, vegetibles, meat, and kimshi topped with a fried egg. Korean fajita.


    Get a blanket if you can fit it in your luggage. I have three and ita been 20 years since I was in Korea.

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  3. One of my most memorable games was against Karl when I first found Ordo.  He was fresh back from 'stan and brought a marine Black Templar army to face my Steel Legion army. Truth be told, it was a massacre.  Karl had no AT capability and here I was rolling tanks and Chimeras in formation across the table screaming "death before dismount".  It was horribly lopsided, but Karl was a great sport and we had a great time laughing at the absurdity of the situtation.  Now that was a good game because we didn't take it seriously. I can really see some folks getting bent is they get surprised by an overpowering list. On the other hand, all this pregame negotiations kinda takes the game meta.

  4. I have been collecting a number of Star Wars miniature battles figures.  I want to use them in 40K.  My thinking was that the Eldar list would be a good basis for a Star Wars Imperial proxie.


    Stormtroopers - Guardians


    Scout Troopers on Bikes - Guardians on jetbikes

    Royal Guards - Wraith Guard (?)


    Darth Vader - Exarch (?)


    AT-ST - War Walker


    So, never having played Eldar before, any suggestions?

  5. I like to run them on las cannon equipped Sentinels.  Taking the scout move to get a good firing position, my first action is always volley missiles at a vehicle.  Follow up with las cannon shots.  Usually good for glancing a land raider or knocking off a rhino

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