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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. I will be doing family things for a bit, so I will not be posting for a few days.
  2. Tonight's Work! The gang is done. A heavy stubber, a bolter, 2 Autogunners, auto pistol, stub gun, and dual bolt pistols. I have one model left over for last minute fill in after I figure out what I may need. The sprues have no flamers, combat shotguns, or meltas. Oh, and I fixed the bases by adding bits and grubbins. .
  3. First three models are assembled with a Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid pose on the double bolt pistol drill-kyn, an Aliens pilot helm on the drill-kyn heavy stubber,and the Chapter Master with his Clan Mask and Iron Head Bolter.
  4. I put the backpack on upside down. I fixed with a Dwarf Rune Stone from the 6th Ed Dwarf plastic box.......
  5. Adding Bits to make my Chapter Master from WHFB Dwarf bits
  6. @scottshoemaker I love your hab level. My question is, "Where are the Scavies?" @Exile I will be repurposing the Infinity Risers for the Hive.
  7. It is the same sprue times two. I photoed the top and bottom of the sprue. There are 64 pieces. Some I will not use. There is a lot of head options. My dear wife is calling them the potatoes. I replied, "No, they are the Spudniks!" She said, "They have their eyes on you!" The bases are disappointing, I wanted the new cool, hive ones..... or something other than the standard 28mm base.
  8. While waiting for my models, I went to Brehk's last night and started kit-bashing this Grox-BBQ stall. I needs a bit more work, but not bad for a few hours of work.
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