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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. This is a nice video for painting grim dark terrain. And this one..
  2. I finished constructing two more gantries today. Then, I spray primed them with the Rust-Oleum along with the Grox Shop. After the gantries dried, I painted them, added rust effects, and them added layers of wash. They are ready to play. I will take photos tomorrow when we have proper light.
  3. Yes, it is a crappy cell phone photo, but you can see the MDF fencing mucked up and rusted out with stenciled numbers on them. The fencing were for Infinity, but I thought I would repurpose them. You can see the gantry to the top is Mantic aka Terrain Crate with bits of 40K barricades from the 3rd Box. I have had the barricades for 22+ years, it is time to start using them again. The Line is super useful as a template. The just need to be modified for the type of game you are playing (40K / Infinity, etc) The pipe is PVC pipe Gorrilla Glued together. The center gantry is scratch built from different types of card. The green loot case is Mantic, mucked up and marked with a stencil. I will have more painted up tonight.
  4. Okay Gents, I made four more gantries from bits smashed up from GW and Mantic kits. I spent a few hours painting up the GW kit-bashed one and the two of the mixed ones: adding layers of rust. The MDF` walls are washed and I added a stenciled number in blues to most. I will take a few pictures tomorrow. I added washes and stenciled numbers on the pipes. They are spray sealed and ready for play, but could use a poster of two, if I get that far.
  5. Oh, as I am going with shout outs, the gantries were built built from biz in the giant and mighty bitz by the ounce at Mindaker.
  6. I always think the key to primering in the summer months is to give a short set of sprays from an angle, let the heat dry the model, and then change the angle.
  7. Two gantries re-enforced with bits and an ammo crate made from tooth floss container.
  8. Remember, when primering you models to get the underside.⤴️
  9. After going to the gym, I applied the second spray coat to the Ironhead Prospectors. I had to stop at Ace Hardware for two more rattle can of Rust-Oleum Black Spray paint primer. I use the semi-gloss. It is the best for the price, but it can be tacky until it is completely dry. Days like today, when it 89 degrees really helps. Oh, by the way, if Games Workshop, or any other company selling products wants to send me free products to try and review, I would never object.🤣
  10. Magnets are glued to the bottom of the models. Sand has been added to the base. Models drying after first primering.
  11. I love the new potato squats. They are not the squats of old. The new squats are the beefed out off-shoots of their smaller kin.
  12. The Grox BBQ Stall is ready for painting!
  13. Update: Okay, The red pvc pipes have been painted silver. Then, I added rust and several washed of different colors from green to orange to brown to black. I used stencils to sponge on numbers. I filled in any gaps with a brush and then added a lighter color for a highlight color.
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