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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Per a recommendation from Youtube, I order this to try to make gantries and floor pieces.
  2. So how about Carpace Armour on the Gang Leader? It is seems super hard to achieve later down the road? Should juves even start with armour?
  3. And on list building, I am going to try a cheap as chips version, but it seems a bit foolish to rob the Squats of their strengths aka their gear. Thoughts?
  4. And I painted, one coat, 35 minutes of brown on three buildings. I am trying an over-wash technique with a large, sloppy brush with directional strokes. Then, I hit the cracks and grooves with a smaller brush. Tomorrow, if I have the time and energy, I will mix Mournfang Brown to the mix to see what happens. Boltgun metal si supposed to be dry brushed over that, so I am curious to see if this works.
  5. I have to admit, it is good to me creating again. It is fun to make Necromunda Terrain. it is like playing with Lego and mud. My daughter wants to help and said how cool the rusty pieces look. She remember going to Ordo on terrain day and help rusting up quonset huts back in the day. Now, that I back to work, I have forgotten how exhausting it is, but hopefully, I can keep up the energy.
  6. So, I set the habs blocks out to try in the sun. The models were still a bit tacky from being sprayed late last night. My porch has alternating sun and shadow as the day passe and today is not very hot, so I did not worry about it . I have never had problems with this before, but today, the tops warped as they dried. The pieces are made to have playable interiors and working doors. I think part of the issue is I did not coat the under side of the roof (lids). The plastic curled towards the top. So, I sprayed the bottom side and decided the models with just be solid with out the playable interiors. I moved them to cure in the basement after assembling the pieces.
  7. Wizard: I'm never wrong. I thought I was wrong one time, but I was wrong.
  8. This guy has a nice terrain painting video and good House reviews.
  9. On Sunday, I started pushing around piles on my basement gaming table trying to wrangle a the mess while looking for more GW 40 bizs I have tucked away. Instead of the bitz, I found a few hab units a friend printed out for me a few years ago. They were intended to be used as Infinity Terrain, but they were a bit ramshackle for the sleek future of Corvus Bell. So after primering them red to match some of my of my other Infinity terrain, they have sat in a box. The hab units are basically Conex container with doors, windows, and few other treatments to make them seem like they belong on a seedy space station on for ready-made housing for colonists. I chipped up the habs to make them seem worse for the wear, and added more GW bits to create a proper feel for Necromunda. I re-primed them and will paint them using techniques from the videos I linked a few posts up.
  10. First spray on the Grox shop. First spray on the previously photographed gantries. Yes. I painted them to completion in one day. Thank you for looking. I will have more updates, but as I start the work week, with Rose-City, and football approaching, my painting and hobby will slow. And as if always, if you have bits to donate or if you are a gaming company and want to sent me product to test, I would happily accept them.
  11. The other gantry made from bitz by the ounce at Mindtaker. A distressed Mantic Gantry with added GW bitz. Can you spot them?
  12. I took these pix after spraying of the first layer of clear coat. Small MDF walls. Gantries. The center gantry is made from the bits at Mindtaker. The plastic card made gantry where old blood meets older rust......
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