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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. No one at Ordo, but I am hoping some of the Vancouver or Sherwood guys can make it.
  2. You only Live Twice- A Sean Connery James Bond Film. It is racist, sexist, and bizarre. I have never seen it in it's entirety until this week end. It is has a ton of Austin Powers echoes. The screen play is written by Roaldl Dahl. 6/10. It is bad, but it is on Netflix! Diamonds are Forever. Another Connery Bond. Blofeld is the same actor as Henderson in You only Live Twice. It has a quiping gay couple who kill everybody they met, a terrible opening, it is an awkard rip-off on Howard Hughes homage, and weird Bond girl. 5/10, but it is on Netflix. Octopsussy. I thought this was terrible a a kid. It is much better than I remembered. Roger Moore is droll. The plot is remotely plausible. 7/10.
  3. It is current and at $5, it is a bargain.
  4. Okay Gents, let's get back into fighting shape. The campaign is done. We are playing real Infinity. We are going to prep for the road to Rose City Raid. First up is Rumble on Route 66. So starting new week, we are going to play the Rumble Scenarios at Game Night starting with Unmasking. 300 Points. The doors open at 3 pm @Muskrat, @Exile, @Sgt. Rock, @rudra34. @Inquisitor66. @PaladinX, @Andrewc, @Gremlin King, @EricTheRed, @deadlyends, @dataentity I hope to see you there! Come play! Rumble Missions Round 1: UNMASKING Round 2: Supplies Round 3: Decapitation Round 4: Acquisition Round 5: Firefight
  5. I hear that is why mom jeans exist.......
  6. Per my teen age daughter: Cargo shorts are ugly. There are no exceptions.
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