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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Last Night, we had a full house for Infinity: four tables of games. Joel asked me for a game. Lately, he has been rocking the Caledonians while expressing his interest in Dashat. Tonight, he pulled out the Druze and we played in his home table. Druze are a hard match up for OSS. They are all veterans and don’t t care about EM Grenades. He has a ton of Hackers, so I can’t get to close with all my Dakinis and FO bots. ARM 3 and BTS 3 make them hard to kill. I won WIP and went first. My table side was less than optimal, but at least I could dictate the pace. I ramboed with my FO Proxy killed his Peacemaker and pressed his link. I pressed a console and picked the wrong target. I pinned back his link, but could not do much more. On Joel’s turn, I got lucky and flash pulsed Scarface on y first ARO, blunting his attack. Then, we went into an Infowar. Our hackers began to battle each other. He had two Assault Hackers and a Killer Hacker. I had a regular hacker and a Killer. The Killer Hacker killed on assault hacker, but died to Joel’s. My other hacker Brain Burst one of his. Joel said it was the most hacking he had ever done. I pressed my FO bots forward to press button and kill the Designated Target and the remaining target as Dart picked apart his link. Joel tried to press forward with Arslan, Cordelia, and Scarface, but he lacked orders. On my last turn, I pinned down Cordelia, so Joel had to use orders to get through a CSU and Dakini to score points. I ended with a 6-2 win with 120 VPs to his 110. If I had properly played and read the scenario, I would have played more cautiously with the Proxy FO. He was my Data Tracker and died. The move cost me 3 points and gave Joel one point. I should have used a Dart from the start to clear the Druze Fireteam and then used an FO Bot to activate consoles.
  2. New Releases. The Namur is a must have for me. The Saito is cool as is the Yu-Jing special character. The Tohaa Schemer is a bit meh.
  3. Deep-Cut Studio’s new Yu-Jing Mat.
  4. Exclusive Models for the Vallejo paint kits. One box for Pan-O and another for Nomads.
  5. I dare @Sgt. Rock @deadlyends@Exile @Muskrat @rudra34 to attend as well
  6. And you have not to be dead tired, too!
  7. Okay, This weekend was a blessing. @George celebrated his birthday by having an Infinity Tournament. Shockingly, I was able to attend. Saturday, I headed out, drove three miles only to realize I had left my army home. I drove back and made it to the event. I played always amazing @Gremlin King, James from the Glimpses crew, and @Pyre Warden I could not have better opponents. @Fate & Fury Games is a great place to play. It is a place you can yell “biscuits, “ and not be scolded. Beer is a plus. Plenty of space to play and it is quiet even with me there. I went 2-1 for the win. Pyre Warden beat me by one army point in the last game. Red Deck games are super hard. Some games it is better ignoring the classified and using your orders elsewhere. As missions go, if you think Power Pack is hard, Frostbyte is worse. It is Biotechvore is sheep’s clothing . Fate & Fury now has a direct link to Corvus Belli, so I ordered the Dakini SWC box. If the order comes in quickly, it will be my new auto place to buy models. I get to support a local store. The hardest part of playing right now is finding models in stores. This might be the best if both worlds. Then, George gave me a monsterously huge birthday present by giving me his Rose City Raid ticket. I cannot thank him enough. Sunday, I sat out so @PaladinX and @dataentity could play Frostbyte. It was educational to watch. Joel’s luck was bad. Bermen had a few crushing rolls. Sunday Night, I sprayed my army box and fixed a few model issues.
  8. GENTS, It is Raid time! Next Sunday we are prepping for Rose City Raid. Everybody is welcome. 300 Points! See you there.
  9. Tomorrow is @George‘s Birthday tournament at Fate & Fury. The Fun starts at 10. Be there. I will. It will be the first tournament I have played in since ECI. @Exile @PaladinX @Sgt. Rock @dataentity @Andrewc @rudra34 @Pyre Warden
  10. Good games are found at Dice Age and Fate and Fury in Vancouver. Portland Games Store in N. Portland. Guardian is a no brainer. Glimpses of Wonder is good in Sherwood. I hear the store in Oregon City is okay, but I have not been there.
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