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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Starting July 1st, the Portland Police will ask if you want them to leave it where they find it, but you have to sign a hold no harm agreement if the car is gone by the time you get to where it was found.
  2. Yes, if it is impounded, you have to pay to get it out.
  3. The second point is immense. No BTS, use Armor. No Armor use BTS. Point Three means no flash pulse.
  4. When suffering a successful Attack—or being affected by any weapon or rule—that forces any ARM or BTSRolls, the owner is immune to the special effects of the Special Ammunitions, treating them as Normal Ammunition. In addition, players can choose between making an ARM Roll or BTS Roll, choosing the most advantageous for them. If affected by a weapon or Ammunition with the Non-Lethal Trait (see Infinity N3) that forces an ARM or BTSRoll, owners of Total Immunity won't suffer its effects, so they won't make the ARM or BTS Roll, nor any corresponding Guts Roll. This Special Skill is not applied if the owner suffers a Hacking or Comms Attack.
  5. Sunday! 3 PM You! Beer afterwards! @Globemaster @deadlyends @Inquisitor66 @Sgt. Rock @Muskrat @PaladinX @Justjokin @Exile @dataentity @Pyre Warden
  6. Yesterday, I picked up the Beyond Cold Front box and split it with @rudra34 He took the TAK. I added to my OSS. The Rudras gunbot, Shakti, and Aspara area nice set of options especially for a Dakini HMG (for the Aspara ) and the Yadu. After game night, I assembled the combi rifle and boarding shotgun Yadu and the Aspara.
  7. 4) The assault hacker is cheaper, but it cannot augment the Dakinis. 5) I like the redundancy of hacking over a friend to the Dakinis and Daleth, but I can see the appeal. 6) Your list is solid. It mixes the best from both our play styles.
  8. My wife explained the pros and cons to me. I am just relaying her reliable information.
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