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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. It is the scenario for Raid, I have played the least, so....... 300 Points. Sunday @ 3 Pm Frostbyte. Let us know if your are attending here.
  2. Must spray models. Must paint models. Must buy models. Must flash models. Must pin models. Must base models. Must spray models.....
  3. It is good to see you guys are still around. You are always welcome in the club!
  4. So Sunday, we ran three tables at the club. One day, I hope to have @Sgt. Rock and @Justjokinback, but it has nice to have @Pyre Warden and @Muskrat (Jermey, Brandon, and Nick are all over due on their visits , too). After the dust settled, I matched against @Pyre Warden and his 20 Order TAK Madness. Yup! 20 orders: 6 dogs, tons of Scouts and Streloks, a double missiie team of doom, and of course, a spetz. Pyre Warden went first and hounded me with his teams. I went for scoring my classified and failed several important rolls. My warcor shined, literally, with flash pulses. Pyre Warden had three models blinded in the first turn. Then, I slung my data tracker to kill his Designated target and tied up the objectives on the table. I fed Pyre Warden models and took risks. Most paid off and left and created a few problems for him. On his last turn, he made a few brilliant moves and cleared the table for his Data Tracker Dozer to run the table and kill my Designated target and set it up, so I would have to have more towers at the end of the game to win. At the beginning of my third turn, he had three towers to my one. My Deva raced up and grabbed one from him, so it was 2-2. I broke out my other deva and and on my second to last order, shot his scout guarding a tower twice in the back. Pyre Warden rolled two 17's for armor saves and failed his guts to fall back. On my last order, I shot again. He rolled a ten, I crited for the win.
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