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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Bought Models from cool player X. Paid for them via paypal. The models were a bargain. They needed a home. I have a good home. @Gremlin King needed two Dakinis. @OtterProper needs tokens. I may have an addiction to CB, but how is this harmful. I bought almost zero models for 7 months., so this okay! Limit edition, War Driver! Check. Shakti? Check. Extra Dakinin to make into a sniper and be that guy? Check! Maybe somebody needs a Rudras Gunbot? If not, Evo Hacker? This week is filled with court on my off time, so model time is next to zero.!
  2. I will be interested to see them!
  3. These are going to be my base toppers of the future. I received some in my swag bag at Rose City Raid and really like them.
  4. @bunkbess20I have not heard about this. Could you add a link, please?
  5. Raindog


    @OtterProper is new to the club. Would veteran Yu-Jing players like @Twinmasks and @Jay post a few sample lists that work for them?
  6. Hobby Goals for the week. 1. Pin the Rudras to his base. 2. Assemble more Dakinis.: HMG and Sniper. 3. Assemble Shakti. 4. Make more bases for my OS.
  7. Thanks to Joel, my new HVT, Candy Cloud, or perhaps, a War Cor.
  8. So, I just assembled the Yadu Rocket Launcher. It has the same arm and head construction as the previous Yadu. The fit is less than optimal and needs a touch of green stuff.
  9. This Yadira had unusual issues making the arm fit to the gun. It needs green stuff, but at this point, I have none.
  10. So the center piece is the same for Lamdeh and Daleth and the Rudras Gunbot. It is an practical design. I pinned the legs, so they will stick to the base. I used the 55 mm base topper from the swag bag from @thediceabide‘s Raid. Everybody I have spoken to liked them.
  11. Sir, you are always welcome.
  12. Thanks to Doug, I bought the Coldfront and Beyond half of OS of the SSS including the War Driver and few tokens. I gave the tokens to Benjamin since he is now and needs the basics. I sold two of the Dakinis to @Gremlin King. If I don't use them, the models will all find a good home.
  13. For @Norrad, Ok good sir, after playing a weekend of the ultra-hard mode, I went for simple and went Annihilation. I made a pro- Yadu, limited insertion list. It is 12 order list since the is Asura L2 and the Yadu HMG is NCO. I had the Asure is one haris and the NCO in 3 man fireteam. I broke out the Rudras for the first time, My list was rounded out with a pair of Net Rods, a Flash pulse bot, and a FO bot. It is not a winner list, but it is solid. I wanted to work on hacking and taking units that are outside my comfort zone. @PaladinX set the table using @evil_bryan's new 3-D terrain, my new mats and risers, and @Jay's scatter. There were were ton of 3 story tables and walls that blocked LOS. I won the LT roll. @PaladinX took the best side and nested a 5 man Druze link around a Fort Kick Ass with the CH. Mim sniper on the top and the HMG guarding a flank. I risked the big money and went with the Yadu HMG team vs. the Druze HMG. I took a wound and then spent the next order dropping the HMG and the Killer Hacker. The sniper passed his armor rolls and choose to fail guts to lay down. It would have been a long walk to dig out his Druze from the HMG Yadu, so the Asura's team advanced and set up nicely. I killed an aux bot and put the gunbot in suppressive/Marksman fire fire looking over the table to face the sniper and deal with Scarface. The Asuras hacked through Paladin's remote and Redrumed his to Assault Hackers. PaladinX rebounded by relinking his remaining Druze in to a 3 man link. The Sniper down the HMG Yadu and then ground down the gunbot in 5 orders. He failed to kill another Yadu with hos last order. With my Asuras being my last tactical piece, I Cybermasked her and walk her up. I immobilized his remote and then Overlorded his TAG. I used Scarface to kill everything on PaladinX's side with the exception of the immobilized remote and Scarface in his last wound. We called it there since he had 2 orders with an immobilized remote and a possessed Tag.
  14. Despite @Muskrat, @Globemaster and @Sgt. Rock not being bale to make it, we had 5 games tonight and 9 players. Thank you Doug, Tony, Benjamin, John, Pete, Joel, Bermen, and Stephen!. Next week is Quadrant Control!
  15. Assembling the Rudras Gunbot is not easy. There is too much flash and the parts are hard to glue together.
  16. Perhaps they were on the thin side for terrain. We are blessed in the NW for abundance of tables, at the club, in the city , and region
  17. Game Night is on! Bring your Necromunda, your Blood Bowl, Infinity, 9th Age, and 40k. Or just come play! 3 PM 717 SE Main.
  18. So looking at these tables and thinking about them over week, I would like to point out how open these tables are. There are multiple long fire lanes. There few are dense corridors and little scatter terrain. There is nothing wrong with these tables, but it different from what I am use to playing on.
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