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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. The cargo containers are done along with the six walls Pete donated and ready for use. They are in the box on the top shelf with the Infinity terrain. I brought the next set home to paint.
  2. Chuck Norris skateboarding in the 1970's.
  3. 24 containers for the club are ready for a spray coat on Sunday. Four are prepped for painting.
  4. The women wear pants.....
  5. Ready to be washed, then sealed on Sunday
  6. Those are amazing files.
  7. I was assembling a room of IKEA furniture today and cleaned up the large paper wasp next that a skunk dug, then dragged out from under the heather in my front yard.
  8. Models assembled: Zero Other items assembled: a chair, a desk and book case from IKEA for our incoming exchange student 19 cargo sprayed and ready to painted
  9. boooooooooooooooooooooooo
  10. Rutger Hauer has passed. I loved him in Bladerunner and Lawyhawke.
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