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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. What a good night! Thank you Keith, Doug, Nate, Joel, Bermen, Aaron, Pete, and Jay for a good night. We got in 8 rounds in 2 hours! Aaron rocked in the most kills. Doug, Jay, and Joel were killed 4 times each! It took eight rounds for Keith to be killed, of course he healed the most! The only person to win close combat, was Joel!
  2. Panoply Chart 01 Rifle 11 Assault Pistol 02 Light Shotgun 12 Light Grenade Launcher 03 +1 ARM 13 D.E.P. 04 SMG 14 Grenades 05 Heavy Pistol 15 Smoke Grenades 06 Flash Pulse 16 Spitfire 07 Combi Rifle 17 Panzerfaust 08 Chain Rifle 18 Mines 09 Light Flamer 19 CH: Mimetism 10 +2 ARM 20 MSV:1
  3. Raindog

    Nog is Dead

    Aron Eisenberg may you rest in peace!
  4. Click on the images for better resolution.
  5. There are a few give aways that @evil_bryan has authorized me to give away!
  6. All you need is a single silhouette 2 model or anything the size of an a Imperial Guardsmen.
  7. Ladies and Gentlemen, Sunday the 22nd is Death Match action. Bring a single model and we will help you with the rest. Players will run the table trying to gather loot and kill opposing players. If your model dies, you respawn and start again. The Doors open at 3 PM at WOW! 717 SE Main Street in Portland. The event is FREE! Pub afterwards! I hope to see you there as well as @Hirangren @OtterProper, @Muskrat, @Exile, @Sgt. Rock, @Jay, @Justjokin, @dataentity @PaladinX, @Pyre Warden, @Mack
  8. Sunday is the Intro: Death Match Game! Come one. Come all. Bring a Mini and a 20 side dice and we will introduce you gaming fun!
  9. @PaladinX, can you help the man?
  10. Forest Park or Tyron Creek State Park for local in town hikes. Cannon Beach is nice.. The Gorge can take a full day. Bonneville Dam is a good stop.
  11. That would be me! I was just talking about re-watching it last night!
  12. Sunday! Annihilation - New Rules Style! 300 points 3 pm
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