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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Location: 717 SE Main St. Portland OR 97214 (map) - Around the corner from Kokiyo Teriyaki and up the stairs Doors Open at 3 pm Cost: $5 for Ordo Members, $2 for Ordo Warlord Champions, FREE for Emperors! And as always, your first Game Night is FREE! Games we play: All games are welcome. Currently we are running an Infinity League and a Necromunda campaign. Their is also often 40K, Kill Team and War Cry games. Although it is possible to find a pickup game at Game Night, it is much better to prearrange a game by posting in this thread before coming down. New players are always welcome, feel free to stop in and check it out.  
  2. The eight bases are done complete with facing markings! Now, I start the next batch!
  3. When: 3 PM Where: WOW Points: 200, Limit 10 models, one combat group! Who: You Mission: Steal the Data. Data Bundles are strewn across the table. Each will be 8 inches away from the can be on and in buildings. Your mission is to collect as many as possible. A model may collect multiple packs and the packs can not be looted. Once taken, they cannot be regain. To activate the packs, you need only move over the pack. However, some of the packs are actually traps (Strength 15 and explosive). Touching them detonated the trap. A successful WIP roll of a Hacker or Engineer in Zone of Control or a Forward Observe will allow the player peek to see if the data pack is real or a trap. Scoring: Have More Data Packs than your opponent at the end of the game: 4 points Have the same amount of Data Packs : 2 points Have at least 1 Data Pack: 1 point Detect More Packs than your opponent: 2 points Detect a trap without triggering it: 2 points. Have a Hacker, Engineer, or Forward Observer alive st the end of the game: 1 point
  4. Raindog

    IIL Scoring

    After The Death Match! Blustrom: 2 Raindog: 3 Exile: 3 Doug: 3 Muskrat: 3 Raindog: 4 Jay: 16! 2/10 models painted! Data Entity: 19: Assembled 9/10 Keith: 23! 8/10 Painted, 8/10 Assembled Paladin X: 32!!!: 9/10 Painted, 9/10 Assembled Please Come Play!
  5. Okay gents, instead of painting terrain, I am painting rust on bases. I am down with the reds and oranges. I am waiting for the paint to dry during the rain storm before I start the yellow.
  6. And this magic pill that transfers the ownership of a bottle of Instant Kharma can be yours.
  7. It is make..... autocorrect is rarely my friend..
  8. When: 3 PM Where: WOW Points: 200, Limit 10 models, one combat group! Who: You Mission: Activate the Coms! There are three coms in along the center line of the table. One is in the center of the table. The other two are 12 inches away on either side. Your mission is to activate the coms and control them at the end of the game. To activate the coms, you need to make a standard WIP roll. A specialist model (paramedic, doctor, chain of command, forward observer, engineer, hacker, etc) receives two rolls. Scoring: The Center Console is worth 4 points. The Side Consoles are worth 2 points each. Killing more specialists than your opponent is worth 1 point. See you next week! Please come and check us out! We have two brand new players. We would love to have more or to have players that haven't been around in a long time. @Muskrat, @Exile, @dataentity, @PaladinX, @Justjokin, @Inquisitor66, @Hirangren, @rudra34, @Blustorm, @Norrad. @Pyre Warden, @Mack, @OtterProper, @EriktheRed, @erik grey, @Ogre Seth, @Andrewc, @CliffsidePDX, @Omx8, @indytims, @Iraf, @wisetiger7, @Torg, @andozane, @deadlyends, @Gremlin King, @George, @Saint Anthony
  9. Raindog

    IIL Scoring

    After The Death Match! Blustrom: 2 Raindog: 2 Exile: 3 Doug: 3 Muskrat: 3 Data Entity: 4 Keith: 5 Paladin X: 5 Jay: 7 Please Come Play!
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