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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. We missed you and hope to see you next week.
  2. It is a drug, but we love you for your addiction......😎
  3. So take hackers, but at your own risk. This is a button pushing mission, true to Infinity at its best. I hope to see @Saint Anthony, @Pyre Warden, @Exile, @rudra34, @Muskrat, @Justjokin, @PaladinX, @Mack, @OtterProper, @Gremlin King, @EriktheRed, @Andrewc, and @Blustorm and you!
  4. Okay Gent, I am going to be bold here to let you know Sunday the 3rd is the first day of Day Light Savings Time! Console Crunch: There are five consoles on the table. It is your job to activate and control them. Rules: There are three console on the center line of the table. One is in the dead center. The other two are 12 inches from each table edge. The other two console are placed in on the center of the 12 inch deployment line for each side. Any model can activate a console at WIP -3. A Specialist model can activated a console with the best of two WIP rolls. A Hacker can activate a console with the best of two WIP rolls and a +3 bonus. A console can be activated by both players for scoring purposes. Each console is controlled by having the most points in ZoC at the end of the game. Scoring: 1 point for each console activated 1 point for each console controlled. 200 points as is the norm. 3 Pm start. Pub afterwards.
  5. Raindog

    IIL Scoring

    After The FourthWeek Doug: 3 Exile: 10, Assembled 1/10 Raindog: 16, 10/10 Assembled Muskrat: 16, 9/10 Aseembled Blustrom: 20, Assembled 6/10 Jay: 23! 2/10 models painted! Data Entity: 28: Assembled 9/10 Keith: 34! 10/10 Painted, 10/10 Assembled Paladin X: 58!!!: 10/10 Painted, 10/10 Assembled
  6. It was an experiment. It met with Meh.....
  7. The Onyx Box is a good start for a rounded force. Morats are more aggressive and lack as many tricks.
  8. Play the Card. There will a special deck of cards. Three cards will be face up at the start of each turn. They will read: Dodge, Lay a Mine, Climb. One card can be discarded with a new card selected each player turn. The goal to achieve the card before your opponent. The person with the most cards at the end of the game wins. 200 Points WoW 3 Pm Bring your newly painted models to show off! Bring a friend. See you soon.
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