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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. 200 PTS One Combat Group There are three consoles on the center line of the table, two on the edges and in the center. To score, only models in the zone of control of the console will score at the end of the game. The player with the most points of models in the zone wins the zone. Points: Have more Scoring Zones at the End of the Game. 5 points Have the same amount of Scoring Zones at the at of the game. 2 Points Have all your remaining models in a potential Scoring Zone at the end of the game. 3 Points Have at least one model in the Scoring Zone at the end of the game. 1 Point Have your LT. in a Coring Zone at the end of the game. 1 Point
  2. That was a great game night. 2 Games of 40K, 1 game of 9th Age, 2 games of Infinity, a game of War Cry , and hobby time!
  3. That is a lot of awesome!
  4. Raindog

    IIL Scoring

    After The 5th Week Doug: 3 Muskrat: 16, 9/10 Aseembled Raindog: 20, 10/10 Assembled Exile:21, Assembled 10/10 Blustrom: 28, Assembled 10/10 Jay: 29! 2/10 models painted! Data Entity: 34: Assembled 9/10 Keith: 34! 10/10 Painted, 10/10 Assembled Paladin X: 64!!!: 10/10 Painted, 10/10 Assembled
  5. @Mack @Blustorm @OtterProper @Dark Trainer You should read the theory behind WiseKensai's latest mission. It will help you develop as a player!
  6. @PaladinX I thought this was Link?
  7. Remember Day Light Savings starts Sunday.
  8. Players 1. PaladinX 2. Zag Dag 3. Inquistor66 4. Sgt Rock 5. Erik the Red 6. Mack 7. Exile 8. Jon Tse 9. Doug 10. Data Entity 11. Wzzzrd 12. Seshia 13. Nate 14. Saint Anthony 15. thediceabide
  9. The Rampage is up! @EriktheRed @erik grey @Fate & Fury Games @dataentity @Ogre Seth @Justjokin @PaladinX @Blustorm @Khail @Pyre Warden @Sgt. Rock @George @Gremlin King @WiseKensai @Andrewc @Mack @OtterProper @Norrad @Inquisitor66 @rudra34 @Doug @thediceabide @Jay @jake richmond @deadlyends @Twinmasks @Natetehaggresar @Zagdag @twingecrag @Saint Anthony @Kiboshed @Muskrat
  10. Game 1 Console Crunch: There are five consoles on the table. It is your job to activate and control them. Rules: There are three consoles on the center line of the table. One is in the dead center. The other two are 12 inches from each table edge. The other two consoles are placed in on the center of the 12 inch deployment line for each side. Any model can activate a console at WIP -3. A Specialist model can activated a console with the best of two WIP rolls. A Hacker can activate a console with the best of two WIP rolls and a +3 bonus. A console can be activated by both players for scoring purposes. Each console is controlled by having the most points in ZoC at the end of the game. A model can only score in one zone. Scoring: 1 point for each console activated 1 point for each console controlled. Game 2 Play the Card. There will a special deck of cards. Three cards will be face up at the start of each turn. They will read: Dodge, Lay a Mine, Climb, etc. One card can be discarded with a new card selected each player turn. The goal to achieve the card before your opponent. Scoring: Have More cards than your opponent: 7 Points Have the same amount as your opponent: 3 points Have 5 or more cards at the end of the game: 2 points. Have at least 1 card at the end of the game: 1 point Game 3 Steal the Data. Data Bundles are strewn across the table. Each will be 8 inches away from each other and can be on and in buildings. Your mission is to collect as many as possible. A model may collect multiple packs and the packs can not be looted. Once taken, they cannot be regained. To activate the packs, you need only move over the pack. However, some of the packs are actually traps (Strength 15 and explosive). Touching them detonated the trap. A successful WIP roll of a Hacker or Engineer in Zone of Control or a Forward Observe will allow the player to peek to see if the data pack is real or a trap. Scoring: Have More Data Packs than your opponent at the end of the game: 4 points Have the same amount of Data Packs : 2 points Have at least 1 Data Pack: 1 point Detect More Packs than your opponent: 2 points Detect a trap without triggering it: 2 points. Have a Hacker, Engineer, or Forward Observer alive at the end of the game: 1 point Game 4: Score Zone There are three data consoles on the center line of the table. One is in the dead center. The other two are on the table edges. Your mission is to activate the consoles and have the troops in Zone of Control of the console at the end of the game. The console cannot be turned off, but both sides can activate it to score. Any model can activate a console at WIP -3. A Specialist model can activated a console with the best of two WIP rolls. A Hacker can activate a console with the best of two WIP rolls and a +3 bonus. A console can be activated by both players for scoring purposes. Scoring: Have more models in the scoring zone than your opponent: 5 points Have the same amount of models in the scoring zone as your opponent: 2 point Have more consoles activated than your opponent at the end of the game: 3 points Have the same amount of consoles activated than your opponent: 1 point Have at least one model in a scoring zone at the end of the game: 1 point. Active at least one console at the end of the game: 1 point *The count is by model and not the model’s cost in points.
  11. Ladies and Gentlemen, it is that time again. It is time to Rampage! I have been holding them for 13 years now. This is the fourth year for Infinity! As always, I hope to see you! If you don’t play Infinity, We don’t care: come play hang out, eat with us, make a charity donation. You are invited! What is a Rampage? A Rampage is a celebration of gaming goodness where community and sportsmanship is valued as much as winning. Traditionally, it is the celebration at the end of an Escalation League. Players gather, bring food and drinks, and play games. Somebody wins a sword and we all go out to for beer afterwards. Each year, I select a charity to support. The Women’s Shelter I have supported in the past has closed, so this year with my mother having her second batch of breast cancer, I asking for cash donations to help fight cancer. When: The Rampage is on Saturday, December 7st. First Round is starts at 10 AM. Where? WoW, 717 SE Main Street, Portland, Oregon How Many Games? As usual,There will be four! We will be playing until 7 PM, and then go get dinner and beer afterwards. Points? 200. Each player can have two lists. We are playing Limited Insertion. Each list is limited to a single combat group with no more than 10 units. Do I have to a painted army? Nope. You can play Silver Surfer, but it certainly helps you win the sword if your faction is painted. Price? $10 Prizes? A Sword for the Winner! - Yup a Freakin' Sword! And there will be other prizes. Wait and See! Best General. Best Sportsman. Best Painted. Wooden Spoon! Number of Slots? 24 Players Scoring: Battle Scores: 10 points max Your scores matter this year. If you earn 10 points in a round, you score the ten points. Charity: +10 points for a cash donation and I will be raffling off a dice bag. Food: +10 Points for Bringing Food / Drink to share. +5 For bring the best snack! *Determined by players’ vote. Painting: +10 Points for playing a completely painted and based faction. +10 Points for having the best painted faction. +5 Points for having the best painted silhouette two model. +5 Points for the TAG, Bike, or Remote. *Determined by players’ vote. Sportsmanship: +10 Points for being voted the favorite player. *The best sport is determined by player’s vote Wooden Spoon This year the Wooden Spoon will be determined by the player who has scored the least amount of victory points. Schedule 0900 Doors Open 0930 Check In 1000 Game One 1145 Lunch 1230 Game Two 1415 Game Three 1600 Vote for your favorite army, food, and drink. 1615 Game Four 1800 Tear Down 1830 Awards 1845 To the Pub See you there! Let me know if intend on playing. Spots always go quickly.
  12. I think @dataentity is already in. @PaladinX and @Exile are jumping in soon. I hear the 160 Euro is the way to go .
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