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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. There will other new people. It is all good. If you don't understand something, ask. It is a fairly cooperative game.
  2. Yellow is supposed to be a solid color for mixing with purple.
  3. Sunday Painting: Spray more Models Friday Painting: Paint more bases!
  4. The first line of swag is in. It's a a suprise, but I hope you will all like it as much as I am excited about it!
  5. Okay Gamers, Sunday is the last week of the League! I hope to see you there. Mission: Bunker Battle Each table will have a command room in the center. The doors are shut and locked. There two ways to open a door. 1. A hacker must can use Lock Picker to open a door or access. 2. There are four consoles on the table. One is on the center on the 12 line for each deployment zone. The other two are on the table edge of the center Line. A specialist must make a WIP roll to access the code to one door. If the roll is successful, the player can pick one door to be unlocked. Once unlocked any model can use a short skill to open the door. Scoring: Have more points of models in the Bunker at end of the Game: 4 Points Have more points of models in the Bunker at the end of a turn: 1 Point Unlock more doors than your opponent: 2 points Unlock the same amount of doors: 1 point Have your LT. in the bunker at the end of the Game: 1 point
  6. On December 21st, I am running a terrain day to help build terrain for Bolt Action to aid the up coming league. If you know of or can find tutorials to build hedgerows, craters, tank traps, sand bags, boccage, pill boxes, etc, can you link them to here?
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