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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. I have been playing with lists! So far, I have one for Supremacy.
  2. @dataentity wants to play Supremacy. @PaladinX wants to play Counter Measures. @Raindog wants to just play and preferable at 400 points to prep for @thediceabide's Jan 4th tournament! So bring 400 points and list for Counter Measure and a list for Supremacy. See you Sunday at 3 pm.
  3. If you are free, we can do a teaching game on Sunday!
  4. Oh, I have armies, but I am in love with Infinity right now.😀
  5. Now , if only @Doug will take a picture of eating a donut off the end of his sword!
  6. If you guys decide to play on Sundays, we have the Library Room open at WoW. There are now two tables in the room!
  7. Let me know if you do not get what you need. I can pass some books along.
  8. My favorite photo is Adam's wife using his new trophy as a tooth pick!
  9. Raindog

    RIP: Odo

    René Auberjonois has passed away at 79. He was the best reason to watch Deep Space 9.
  10. Caroll Spinney passed today. He will be missed.
  11. Overall: @Doug Best General: @dataentity Best Sport: @thediceabide Best Army: @Seshia Best Single Model: Shane Best Big Model: @Saint Anthony Best Food: @Doug Wooden Spoon: @PaladinX Thank you all for coming and contributing! We had 12 players, a ton of Ordo Senators visited, and raised just over $300 for our cause! See you next year!
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