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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. i have played hundreds of games. Play the largest, oddly shaped pieces as fast as you can. Work towards breaking out in multiple directions as you block off your opponent. .
  2. I almost have the second Remote done, but I put away my painting table for the year. My homemade wet palette, the one I made of of a shallow tea tone around 2003 fine has a hole rusted in the out in the bottom, so I tossed it out.
  3. I had the chance to play @PaladinX and his O-12 goodness yesterday. We are both prepping for @thediceabide's upcoming tournament on Jan 4th. I am just plain rusty. I have played maybe four games since OFCC. I definitely haven't played many 400 points games and I am just bad with a TAG. A TAG you say? Yes, a TAG. If we are playing 400 points, a TAG seems very tempting. Why, not. The problem with the TAG is I am too tempted to stomp it up the table in a Rambo Rush and leave it over extended. A Marut is a a killing machine. With a Multi-HMG, it is not subtle. I tried blasted @PaladinX off the board, he had some tough units to chop through and he made a lot of armour saves, but to be fair, he rolled consistently high most of game. We played Loot and Sabotage. Man, that is a rough mission. It is hard for OSS since we lack CC troops. Other than the Marut, I had two troops with D-Charges. Destroying the AC2 unit is hard when he circled it with an Epilson Sniper, a Gamma Feurbach, Will Bill, a Gangbuster with Mads Traps and an Omega. I slowly peeled the O-12 away, but @PaladinX blunted any attack on the AC2. I had two troops with in a few inches, but could never close the distance. @PaladinX ended the bottom of 3 in retreat, but I was in Loss of Lt. at the top of 3. I had more panoplies. That was the winning factor in the game.
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