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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. 50 Rumors And Hooks... - from the Webs A bandit gang preys on wounded and weary adventurers as they straggle down the road from the dungeon to the city. A black cloak was stolen from the Burnt Bridge tavern last night; sewn into the hem is a treasure map. A gigantic egg appeared in the town square last night. No one knows what might hatch out of it, but it’s going to happen soon. A deity walks the city streets disguised as a humble mortal. A hot-tempered knight has promised all his lands to his brother if he is bested at the upcoming jousting tournament. A leading churchman has announced a heretical doctrine; his fellow priests have demanded that he recant, on pain of excommunication. A wrestler named Drón Goldentress will perform three great quests for anyone who can beat her in a match. Agitation grows in a neighboring land for a renewed war against the kingdom. An eerie dog with glowing eyes stalks the city at night. The magnificent sorcerer Furioso was bitten by it, and now he can barely remember his own name. Ditchdiggers unearthed an ornate tin casket the other day. They can’t figure out how to open it, but won’t let anyone else try, either. Drinking a poison surely meant for someone else, the meek baker Oswald dropped dead in a tavern last night. During the day, the headsman’s daughter appears rather homely, but under the moonlight, she is the fairest young maiden in the realm. Every hundred years or so, a black, venomous rain falls on the city, killing hundreds of people. A recurrence is months overdue. The Superordinate Six, a band of famed adventurers, have failed to return from an expedition to the Rat City ruins. Goblins tunneled a good distance under the city walls last year, but the authorities covered it up. Grave robbers have been digging up the bones of slain adventurers. They must be working for a lich or evil wizard. Luriez the horse trader is auctioning off Bravo, a clever and magnificent steed. His former owner, a luckless mercenary, lost him in a dice game. Magic items sold by Antesos Three-Beard have a peculiar way of finding their way back to his shop after the purchasers die. Many of a famous knight’s heroic feats were in fact performed by his squire, a young girl dressed as a boy. Mercenaries have taken sanctuary in the temple; the high priests want them out but are forbidden by the tenets of their faith to expel them. Pound for pound, the most valuable treasure in town is not silver or gold, but the cache of saffron hidden in the spice merchant’s shop. Priestess Ciana has great healing powers, but those she raises from the dead sometimes take on her personality traits. Pulsing green lights are frequently observed near the abandoned mines south of the city. Recent rains flooded the catacombs beneath the city; strange things are floating to the surface. Someone is stealing all of the town’s church bells. Somewhere in the city, the priceless Altar of Kych is hidden in plain sight. The armorer Casabon just received a shipment of Zhenish steel, which will make fine blades for those who can afford them. The astronomer Harun the Subtle reports sighting a circle of new red stars in the sky. The Royal Astrological Society has offered a reward to anyone who can conclusively explain the meaning of this omen. The beloved singer Dulari has fallen prey to a terrible illness, one the healers can’t cure. The bullying city watchman Moyalva has been extorting money from the weak and helpless. The courtier Vivando has fallen out of favor with the king, who suspects him of having eyes for the princess. The exiled prince of Cadis unwisely dismissed a churlish servant who knows too much about his master’s business. The feathers that rained down on Beggar’s Alley last night came from the wings of battling archons. The floorboards beneath the Trembling Pig Inn are hollow and full of stolen gold. Pirates have disrupted grain shipments meant for the kingdom; starvation looms if traders cannot resupply in time. The high sheriff becomes violently enraged if anyone accuses him of having orc blood. The king is a usurper who has the real heir to the throne chained up in his basement. The king plans to build new watchtowers around the city. Laborers, once desperate for work, will soon be hard to hire. The king’s chief minister plans to step down, making way for his clever but abrasive protégé. The philosopher Frabreck has released another pamphlet arguing for the conquest of the orc lands, so that its peoples can be liberated from evil and placed under the king’s benevolent rule. The rancher Septimus is raising a flock of strange reptilian beasts on his farm. The retainers of an unpopular knight quelled an uprising on his lands by fi ring crossbows into an unarmed throng. The rich merchant Zaguant has learned that pirates have sold his son into slavery. The son and daughter of two rival merchant families eloped a few weeks ago. Both fathers offer a reward for the son: his father aims to protect him, but the girl’s wants him dead. Whenever a member of the murderous Lampedusa clan is slain, the weapon used to deal the death blow is permanently imbued with powerful magic. The young adventurer Brialda carries a shield bearing the crest of the Acatero family, even though, as an illegitimate daughter of that clan, she is not entitled to it. An ancient throne lies buried in a field nearby. Anyone who sits on the throne for an entire night will rise from it a wise man or a lunatic. They say that if you listen long enough to the water lapping against the shore near the statue of King Brand, you will hear the name of an innocent person you are fated to kill. They’re slaughtering more than just cows and sheep at the old abattoir down by the piers. Whenever ravens gather on the clock tower, a mighty hero dies.
  2. The Mandolorian. The best TV I have watched since The Expanse.
  3. We play!! 400 points! Capture and Protect See you at 3 pm!
  4. I find the speeder chase reminiscent of Serenity.
  5. It was much better than the last one, but far from Rogue One.
  6. Please, can somebody find this man a game?
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