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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Day 4 of the Flu Scenario finds me in recovery, but also really grumpy. I am distracting myself with army builder. How do I spend 12 XP on a Deva Spec-OP? She will be in my defensive Dakini link, so I am thinking Minelayer, Engineer, and CH: Mimetism with D-Charges. She can support the bots and slow down my opponents. Thoughts? What would you take? Buff up the BS? Feuerbach and CH: Mim? Also, how do you make changed in your Spec-OP without rebooting the program? And why do they get NWI, Deva already have it! And Chain of Command for 8 points over 7 for of ODD?😤
  2. Guardian is the best I know of at this point.
  3. Nope!. My bad... I blame the flu.
  4. Since I am suffering from the Influenza A bug, I will give them a try, when I am not sleeping, having the chills, fever, sweats, hacking, coughing, etc.
  5. That video was brilliant.
  6. Monty Python founder and medieval scholar died yesterday. He was 77.
  7. Per @PaladinX, we are playing Armory and are using a 12 point spec OP! I hope to see you at 3 PM. @Seshia, @Sgt. Rock, @Mack, @dataentity, @Exile, @Muskrat, @Saint Anthony, @OtterProper, @Justjokin, @EriktheRed, and you!
  8. Three games of Infinity, 4 games of Bolt Action, and some Necromunda!
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