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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. I would have liked to see the types of weapons reduced. Do we need a Spitfire, a Red Fury, a Molotok, and a Mk12? Or could they be one weapon. I do like that it sounds like Hyperdynamics is going to be +3 to Dodge, etc....
  2. AS long as they don't GW the game, I am sure we will be fine.
  3. The issue is Las Vegas a has a small local following. To get the number of tables needed, the organizers need to bring the tables from other areas -- Phoenix, LA, Salt Lake, and San Francisco. They did well, but we always pride ourselves on cool tables.
  4. Max beat Burk. I am not sure who won between Scott and Bosco.
  5. Four Games of 9th Age, 1 Game of 40K,1 game of Infinity at least 2 games of Necromunda, and some Bolt Action!
  6. 25 people at game night tonight!
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