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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. V-Day is over- celebrate bring out your inner geek. Play Infinity! 12 point Spec op! 300 points . Let's play Frontline! - Red Deck Classified because it is only a point and you need to earn it. 3 PM Beer Afterwards. If you want to try a new place, let me know.
  2. I bought two sets of acrylic toppers from Death Ray Designs for my Nomads and Aleph. I have projects to work on and models to assemble. Sunday, I played my first game with Arjuna, They are an odd unit. They are designed to be be doers. They move 6 and can shoot or push buttons. With mimetism, the have walking cover. In cover, they are beefy and hard to take down. (-6 to hit, 6 arm,)The Kiranbot is a good mine or Koala Eater. I laid out cyber mines to hamper where Joel's hackers, heavies, and remotes could go. One bot e/marated his gamma. That was the key to swinging the game. Shock Marksmen Rifle is a good option. The Boarding Shotgun had problems with shoot outs at distance. They will be around for a few more games to see what I can do with them.
  3. Walt from Impudent Mortals has passed away. His store is closed, so I am taking down the links.
  4. Thank you @Seshia, @Muskrat, @dataentity, @Inquisitor66, @PaladinX for coming tonight.
  5. 2 games of 9th age, Necromunda, and 3 games of Infinity! Another nice night!
  6. There may be a league in the future, so I thought I would post this.
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