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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Yes, you can still use AD. There will be spots without walls. The AD troops will come in through a hatch..... Star Trek doors open automatically as part of the move skill.
  2. With the edition of the new terrain, we will be playing ship interior rules with Star Trek Doors. That means one level, no models on roof tops. So with no fort kick asses makes sure you have mies, chain rifles, shotguns, game, MSV and the like. 3 PM 300 points No Spec-Ops. @Seshia @Sgt. Rock @Saint Anthony, @PaladinX, @Justjokin, @rudra34, @EriktheRed, @dataentity, @Omx8, @Mack, @OtterProper
  3. And Conan the Barbarian, Minority Report, and Strange Brew!
  4. New club terrain! Come give it a test run!
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