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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. We played using Google Hangout (or whatever is called). It worked well. The laptop camera covered the map well. I figured out the basic mechanics of d20, but most of it is levels of frosting over a basic cake.
  2. Okay, it has been a bit. I have assembled three new models: A Horlak, a Namur, and Hector. Then , I played in the Glimpses 3/5/20 Tournament. I took that with a bit of luck and picked up a Wild Bill. I played @WiseKensai and @Saint Anthony en route to the win. Both are quality players. I tied @WiseKensai in a game I thought I had lost, but it always pays to make your opponent earn their win and take points where you can. I looked at @Saint Anthony's list and thought I had a bad match up. He had smoke and MSV. I rocked and early crit vs. Major Luna and the game seemed to go my way from there. @Saint Anthony did his best to earn points and I commend his effort. I had crits at the right time to help me out. The model of the event: a Mark 5 forward observer. He caused John and Tony a lot of trouble. Last weekend at the club, the last in some time, I helped a new player as he played. Finally, tonight, I put another 18 toppers on bases and magnetized the bases. I robbed old WHFB bases of their magnets. I won't need them and have not used them in 4 plus years. 11 more are ready for magnets. The Deathray Design toppers are really nice. Photos to follow later.
  3. Not mine, but a cool pen and paper map
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