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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Lei Gong. Another character, this one has some possibilities. As a Wildcard with Chain of Command, he can hide in units. His is Shock immune, so NWI is really two wounds. Albedo and MSV1 with his high BS can help him hunt Camo troops.
  2. Jing Qo: Another high pointed troop that has everything and is priced for his kit. He is a button pusher and a decent gunslinger, but he is subject to frenzy and shock. I would skip this guy, too.
  3. Adil Hehmut: Somewhere priced between a Pheasant and a Crane, Adil has at least a Chain of Command. He is a WIldcard, but he is just so expansive, I don't think I would take him. Am I wrong?
  4. The Blue Wolf is a S6 Tag. It is priced cheap like a Tikbalang with the same SWC cost. It is a light TAG with good guns and skills. Other than the SWC cost, i see little down side taking this TAG.
  5. Hundun: MI Camo units without Infiltrate and spendy too. The 13 BS makes them a gunfighter, so the Sniper and rocket launcher options are actually useful. There are no specialist options. I like Guilang better for a similar role.
  6. Tian-Gou - Wow and Wow. Tian fill a Sekban roll with decent armor and 360 visors, but their ability to be Wildcards and have Holoprojectors, make them like Hafzas as well. The Killer Hacker is a nice option, but a jammer is just win. It all depends on what fire team you are putting your 1st section Tian with.
  7. When I have a chance, I will add my thoughts, too!
  8. Raindog


    As @dataentity pointed out, the new Army Lists are up! Svarlheim is bonkers! Fusilier Quinn is a Wildcard, FO with a BS of 13 and MSV1. Fusiliers are core and you can add up to 2 Orcs and an Infirmarer. A battery unit! Agnes is Fusilier, Specialist with Sixth Sense L1. Kahru are Camo unit hunters with mimetism, msv, climbing plus, and multi-terrain. Nokken are the Schizzel! ODD, Forward Deployment 2, Multi-terrain.... They can be be a gunfighter with a spitfire, nasty specialists, or mine layers. One even has MSV1 - Are we getting a theme with this army yet? Infirmarer are religious doctors, MI, that can core with Fusies, Haris with Hosplitiers, and Duo with Knights of Justice. Did I mention CC20 and a monofilament ccw? Captain Uma? Why is she so expensive for a one wound model? Yes, her FTO option is a wild card, but mimestism and double submachine guns and a breaker combi with multi-terrain and climbing plus is like 28 points at the most. Nisses; Core. Haris. Up to 4. Add a Machinist for 5 Troll hunter: Gunnar is a beast! Wild Card! Natural Born Warrior! Berserk, CC23, PH14! Climbing Plus(theme), and a Trench Hammer! He is McMurder -lite for Pan-O! Vargar: Core, Haris. MI with Albedo and Multi- Terrain - Up to 2 can join an Orc Fireteam! Bioimmunity, Superjump, multi-terrain (theme), with amazing tools! They are Kwaraji! Boyg: Think Swast or Kryza. HI with Full Auto, Hyper-dynamics, and Multi-terrain (theme?) Missile Launcher or MK12! Hospitaller. Haris, martial arts 2 doctors Knights of Justice: They are better armed Asawira and Wildcards! There are two specialist options, but the spitfire would be my first choice. Orcs: One for every occasion including climbing plus options. Ninjas? They have no honor and will for anybody, right? Mult-sniper or Forward Deployment with a shock marksman rifle (yes, pls) Locust! More ODD and Multi-Terrain. I wonder why these guys and Nokken? Liang: Probably the best 22 point unit in the game. He is not a specialist but has a laundry list of skills, several shooting options, and an explosive CCW. He seems to be a must take.
  9. I assembled a Hollowman, started the Rose City Raid Beer Drinking Yuan-Yuan, and robbed the magnets from more old WHFB bases and placed them on Infinity bases with Death Ray toppers.
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