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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Well, another session is in the books and I had something happen that hasn't happened since I was in junior high school (and that was in the early 1980's). After the mini-session, the party was seeming like it was gelling and had a purpose. Brae, the Goliath barbarian, saw the Dream World and saw the unravelling. Badger was learning common words and phrases from Goro the Bard. Silence, the Elf ranger, convinced the party to pursue the goblins in the area to their lair. Then, it turned out that Khora, the noble born wizard, was hoarding magic items given to the party from the Dragon. Khora had taken all the treasure from the original battle at Meeting Creeks with the Gold Helms and their wizards. Badger watched her and when she cast a detect magic ritual on the acorn from the All-Tree, detected the items Khora had collected, but said nothing. Pak, Khora's retainer had been given the items, magic imbue scales, Badger talked to Khora and then, Pak. As Badger tried to get Pak to tell him what the Dragon had said, Khora blasted Badger with 3 magic missiles. There was no warning. Badger was left wounded and using Mold Earth to dig a hole to escape in. Silence pulled her blade and seethed. Goro made a bad joke. Brae tried to separate Khora and Silence. In the noise and fury, the Goblins attacked. After 15 were slain and the battle done, Badger fled for a safe spot. Goro followed him and joined Badger in the burrow he made when he felt he a found a safe spot. Silence tracked us and Khora followed. The next morning, Badger tried to center, per the Dragon, he has been directed to care for party and keep them together, but being attacked by Khora was hard. As the day went on, it seemed goblins were all around, the group, after another attack and ten more goblins slain (Faerie Fire helped save the party by turning crit misses into hits...), we centered on scouting out possible weaknesses and avenues of attacks in the goblin lair and found a group of local militia doing the same. We agreed on an attack plan from two directions an hour after dawn with badger trying his Minor Illusion spell enhance raccoon fury keen. Now, Badger has not forgotten the attack and ask the party goes to rest for the night will agqan confront Khora and tell her she is unravelling and soul sick. Her elders did not teach her properly and she needs help. We will see how it works. The character on character attack was a gobsmacking moment. It shocked the rest of the players and the DM. The DM is reveling in the opportunities and repercussions. I was happy because I ran off afterwords like a hurt animal and did not do the RD instinct of kill Khora or drive her away. The next game is Friday. When we play, both Brehk and I like to use maps and models as probs and to add to the play. This is the Canyon Side Crossing ferry. The goblins had raided it and left ruins. I took a photo of the map and later produced the map to memorialize the event.
  2. Doesn't everybody screen their phone call now?
  3. We played a mini-session with three of the characters. Silence, the elven ranger was caught in the Dream World, so Badger took Brae the Barbarian into the Dream World and brought Silence back. It was a fun adventure as in the Dream World, Badger spoke in complete sentences and not in a hodge-podge of Gnomish, Common, Sylvan, and woodland animal. He was far smarter and less weird than the barbarian thought. Second, the he had spoke about the Dream World and every one thought he was crazy or very weird. Not only did Brae and Silence find it to be true, but he could show how the mages were unravelling the Dream World by destroying natural magics to use in their spells by finding a corrupted area to explore down the river.
  4. Raindog

    Chuck Yeager

    A true American Hero!
  5. Plus, Tommy Tutone couldn't find a public phone booth let alone one that operates on a dime. No one has an answering machine, so the Replacements are out of luck...
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