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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. A map of the ruins of Canyon Side Castle. There is a magic gate in the corner, so we travelled here the hard way.
  2. The Holiday. A 2006 Christmas rom-com with Cameron Diaz, Jude Law, Kate Winslet, Jack Black, Eli Wallach, Ed Burns, and numerous cameos. Diaz and Winslet having romantic troubles trade houses, in LA and Surrey. The characters reset and find new love. It is great movie to watch with your wife and in the same line as Love Actually.
  3. Golden Eye. Another Bond film, another day. Wow. What a great cast. Judy Dench, Michael Kitchen, Alan Cumming, Sean Bean, Pierce Bronsnan, Famke Janssen. With the tank, it may have be in the top 10 chase scenes all time. With the exception of the racist plot, the certain type of Cossacks, destined by their blood to betray, the movie is top notch. I would list it in the top 10 James Bond films...
  4. The Map of the Adventures The * are all gates.
  5. In the ravine, where the road leads from the ruined castle of Canyon Side to the Canyon side Crossing, a tribe of goblins took root and built a fort in the dense forest in the ravine. The goblins flushed out the weedier members of the tribe and sent them away. They were the 25 we killed in two different battles. The weedy goblins have 5 hit points and rush to attack as if they are half starved. The goblins in the fort are stout and canny. After Badger, Brae, and Silence returned from the ruins of Canyon Side Castle and small force of Iron Bound, Badger sat the party down and shared what the dragon told him and told Khora she was unravelling a sick. Badger said it was his job to teach her and help her, but she would be driven away if she attacked the party again. Brae told the party, the party was her new family. Khora apologized and said she was wrong. Silence was silent. The next day, the party set up and tried to bait out the goblins to attack them on the road in front of the fort. Goro played the didgeridoo and Badger used Minor Illusion to make his keening cry, but the goblins would not come out. Only when, Silence began to pepper the goblin fort with arrows, did the goblins began enraged that elves were about. Badger switched tactics to make an "elfish" mage stand on the road. Some goblins began to advance on to the road and out of the dense woods. The battle was on. These goblins had a minimum of 11 hit points and an AC of 13. The there were three goblin chiefs, two warriors, and lighting throwing shaman. Each was a boss in its own right. One had a horn to call the weedy goblins that had been driven out. During the battle, ehe Iron Bound men shoot arrows at the goblins emerging from the fort. Brae and Goro fight off a charging wave of goblins. Badger used the best Druid combat spell, Faeirie Fire, and helped protect the flanks in the fight. Silence and Khora were sniping the goblin chiefs. Brae killed one boss in hand to hand combat. Khora and Silence killed the other two. The last of the goblins hunkered down in the fort. Brae heroically leapt on to the walls of the fort and climbed up to finish the fight. Badger used Infestation to pest the goblins in their precarious perches as he climbed up to aid Brae. A single small band of goblins returned, Goro fell unconscious trying to fight them off. Pak, Khora's retainer, fell in combat, but was rescued by a pair of Iron Bound who climbed down the ravine from the ruins to help him. Goro was given a healing potion and lived. Brae gathered the fallen bodies of the 32 goblins and burned them in the camp fire stoked up by Badger. In the end, the Khora rushed to Pak's side to care for him as the Iron Bound celebrated the victory. (Of course, Badger fell in a big pile of goblin poop and could not clean off the smell in the nearby stream). The party is now Level 2. Badger has an extra spell slot 17 hit points, and took Circle of the Moon.
  6. Brehk's World The Catarn Brehk has used the same world over the years creating great depth and thought to his games. Previously, played a long campaign in the Midlands and a short campaign in the Ullirim States. This campaign has started in the northeast of Catarn. Silence, the Elf, hails from the Kinwood, an elven state. The Elves charge themselves with protecting the world from Orcs and Goblins that raid and invade from the Tempest Sea. Brae, the Barbarian, was raised in Zona Stall, a rural farming town built along the ruins of an old stone barrier wall. Khora is a noble from a mage family in Seibal to the west of Zona Stall. Badger is from Meeting Creeks, the remnants of a Forest Gnome village, in a smaller version of the Kinswood. Goro is tight lipped about his past. He did admit to Badger that his parents are dead.
  7. Zulu Dawn It is commercial free on Youtube is based on the 1979 movie based on the Battle of Isandlwana , where the English lost 1300 troops in its largest lost an indigenous army. The movie is a great window to a time lost in attitude and arrogance of a colonial power. The current chief of the Zulus at the time played the legendary King Cetshwayo. It is fun movie and worth the time. It is not as good as Zulu, but I recommend it.
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