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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. The Mandolarian Season 2: If you don't like it. Don't listen to any endorsements by me. It is the best tv to watch.
  2. We played tonight 😀. The game progressed well. We found a series of leads leading us to a dungeon dive. We found an unknown under city with the good we were looking for hidden in a room, but not the missing owner. The problem player, on their last play date, wanted to leave immediately, since it was spooky, but the group went on. We found the city's ancient crypts, opened the skeletons missing. The group continued and saw movement ahead, we went to investigate, hoping to find more clues, people we could question, or follow, but found an a skeleton horde. After killing 17 with dozens more filling the the ranks, the party retreat back out of dungeon.
  3. So I spent sometime at Brehk's working on projects. We painted terrain and models. I painted two fo the Dwarven Forge for me wife: her Elf Ranger and an Gnome Artificer. The models take well to paint, but they lack the fine detail quality I am used to in GW or Infinity models. Still, being to make a design a model for your character and make it makes it worth the money. At home over the weekend, I started painting up badger. I tis the higher lever of Dwarven forge plastic, The model has more details and I and far from done, but I will let you know home it goes. We played on Sunday and it was a disaster. The player who previous shot my character with magic missile, decided to be a problematic and argue every decision, he if decided to do what he wanted, the he would argue to do something else instead. It was frustrating and according to my wife, a waste of time (and she loves playing D+D). That player said they were quitting the campaign, so I am hoping they do, so the rest of us can have fun and play. We play again on Sunday......
  4. Roger Moore, Blanche Ravalec, and Richard Kiel on the set of Moonraker (1979)
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