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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. We gamed! The party gated from the forest circle to the town of Stahl. Stahl is like an old west farming town, but a merchant baron owns the whole town. Most people are share croppers who owe too much to ever leave, so it it like a company town from the 1800's. A kindly share cropping couple who dwell near the gate tell us how the city runs. The man we are looking for, the man selling body parts of changelings , owns the town. The party acts as if they are representatives of a merchant coalition seeking trade with the man who owns the town. As we scope out the city, Silence the ranger feels magic being altered in three areas. She prods Badger to sense out and a walled compound spikes his interest. As the party scout out the area, a lone guard challenges us on the side of the walled compound. The party starts to separate to distract and annoy the guard, but the changeling in the party goes into a rage and attacks the guard. The guard is quickly overwhelmed and shoved into a hole badger digs (as a giant badger), but Brae the party's barbarian charges the gates of the compound and all hell breaks loose. The changeling and the bard and wade into combat. Badger digs under the walls and begins to search the compound. Silence follows him in. She fires arrows at the compound guards from the rear as the barbarian and friend charge throw the man gate. Badger finds a building with a series of cells, finds imprisoned Changelings, finds the keys and begins freeing them. As combat stops, 13 guards lie dead. 7 Changelings are freed and the party reaches the gate to bring the changelings to safety.
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