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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. The Cauldron of Souls The Cauldron is a unique item, once attuned to the user, it calls the souls of those who die within a quarter mile and collect them inside the wells of the cooking vessel. The soul of the dead must make a Wisdom or Charisma save (whichever is greater) of 12 be called to the Cauldron. Eldarian- Attunement A magic short sword made by the great elven smith Faeraerian for Lord Eldarian over 3000 years ago. The sword was lost during the time of rending when the elves retreated en masse to the Fey Wild. The original scabbard had been lost a long time ago. Unsheathed, the blade gleams a glowing blue-white aura as if starlight had been focused and magnified. The blade illuminates an area of 10 feet brightly and 30 feet dimly. In battle, the the blade is +1 to hit and damage, but one attuned to but against Devils, Daemons, and the Undead, the blade does and extra d6 points of damage and glows twice as bright if they are within 60 feet. Elixir of the Keen Mind For one hour, the elixir, once consumed, allows the imbiber to have advantage on all perception rolls. Gnome Mail Shirt. This gnome made mail shirt is half the weight of standard mail shirt. The shirt sparkles and counts as +1 to the standard armor. Helm of Night Vision. Attunement When worn, the magic helm allows the attuned wearer to have Dark Vision up to 60 feet. When worn, the bearers eyes glow red and grants a +1 Armor Class. Lantern of the Dead The Lantern glows twice as bright when undead are within 100 feet. Manacles of Capture Other than the key, these manacles cannot be opened by non-magical means. Mariner’s Armor. Attunement While wearing this armor, you have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. The armor is +2 breast plate and one per day allows the attuned wearer to breathe underwater for an hour. The breast plate can be made buoyant at the wearer’s will. The Net of the Gill Women Made by the Selkies from the Isles of Song, the Net was a wedding gift to the son of Thules Harbor. The magic net, once attuned to, allows the bearer to cast the net in the sea once a day. When retrieved a half hour later, the net will be filled with fish. The fish caught never deplete the local stock. There is a 5 percent chance per day the net will catch an unusual item in the haul like a sealed bottle of wine, a tooth from a sea monster, a message in a bottle, a chest from a ship wreck, etc...... Ring of the Homemaking- Attunement The ring is band of plain gold, warm to the touch as if it had been worn for hours. When worn and attuned to, the ring the multiplies provisions. Food and water for two is increased to feed three. Clothes out of rain and water slowly dry. Fly, mosquitos, and gnats stay 30 feet away. The Porcelain Goose. Once a day, when the inscription, “Wings and feathers, come what may, feed my family, and please lay,” 1-3 large goose eggs will be produced by the goose. The eggs taste delicious. Spear of Freygar. Attunement Clerics of Kord cult of Freygar create this magic spear and gift them to worthy cult members after a great victory. The spear is a +1 weapon. Once attuned, the spear does an additional d4 of Lightning damage. Furthermore, the spear has three charges. As a standard action, the bearer can launch a missile of Lightning with a range of 60 feet. The missile hits on a successful ranged attack roll and does 2d8 points of damage. Wild Wood Dog - Attunement The small, dark wood carved dog is smooth to the touch. When rubbed three times on the head, the carving becomes a small, chocolate brown, fey dog. For four hours a day, the dog will guard, hunt, follow, and protect the owner. The dog has an AC of 12 HP 6, attack at +3 for D3 points of damage. The dog has a movement of 40. If killed, the carving is broken, but will repair itself a year and a day later.
  2. Raindog

    Buy This Now!

    Mindtaker Minis has some tasty Infinity Terrain. Buy it now. 😀
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