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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Alien, Running Man, Live and Let Die, Homicide Link
  2. Dark Harbor Magic Items All Spice Resembling brown crystalline rock-salt, this spice found in small tins can flavor and food, so that it is tasty and provides nourishment. Additionally, the magic spice negates most common ingested poison. Each tin has 2d4+1 doses. Amulet of the Cat (attunement required) When worn this amulet allows the attuned owner to reroll a failed Dexterity save. The owner must take the result of the second roll even if it is worse. Coat of Many Patches (like a Robe of Many Useful Items) Patches: Dagger Knife and Fork 10 foot Ladder Shovel Hour Glass Hammer Oar, 5 feet long Six inch hand mirror 50 foot hemp rope Torch Candle stick Tin Flask 4 ounce glass vial with stopper 7”x 9” blank book with poor quality paper Small pile of fire wood Box of 25 wooden matches A box of white chalk, 8 sticks Cot Small wooden chest Bed roll 12 patches are missing. Dagger of the Raven: This magic dagger has to be attuned to the bearer and has four charges. For one charge: The bearer is allowed to exchange places with one willing creature in 5 feet. The dagger if thrown or dropped will return to the attuned bearers hand if within 30 feet. The dagger will cast a Feather Fall spell on the bearer. If the dagger is reduced to zero charges, roll a D20, on a 1-10, the dagger will turn into a Raven and fly away as soon as the bearer is safe. Dimmer Looking like a silver zippo lighter, the device when clicked can temporarily blot out all non-magic torch and lantern light for one turn. Gloves of Thievery (Attunement Required) When attuned to a person and worn, the gloves allow the owner to have +2 on Sleight of Hand checks to pick pockets and open locks of chests. Magnifying Glass of Clarification When held up to old, illegible, and missing text, the user can see the missing words or letters. Oil Of Enchantment Once applied to a weapon, a mundane becomes magical. A single bottle has one dose for a long sword, battle axe, etc, two uses for a short short, mace or hand ax, or four uses for a dagger or arrow. Potion of Ogre Strength Smelling of body odor and rancid fat, this yellowish tan potion grants the imbiber a Strength 19 for an hour. Potion of Resiliency A purple translucent potion that grants the imbiber 2d4+2 temporary hit points. Rat Token A small clay token in the shape of a rat. When broken it summons a swarm of angry rats that guard the broken token for the next 48 hours. Ring of Quiet Shadows (attunement required) Once attuned, this ring grants the wearer the ability to roll with advantage on all stealth rolls. Ring of Wandering Eye When worn, the ring helps protects the wear from divination and scrying spells. When a divination or scrying spell is cast on the bearer, there is a fifty percent chance the spell will give misleading or erroneous information. Scroll of Protection from Cold When read by anyone with a proficiency in Arcana, the scroll allows the reader to have resistance against cold damage for the next hour. (Take half damage.) Scroll of Protection from Fire When read by anyone with a proficiency in Arcana, the scroll allows the reader to have resistance against fire damage for the next hour. (Take half damage.) Scroll of Protection from Lightning When read by anyone with a proficiency in Arcana, the scroll allows the reader to have resistance against lightning damage for the next hour. (Take half damage.) Scroll of Protection from Necromancy When read by anyone with a proficiency in Arcana, the scroll allows the reader to have resistance against necrotic damage for the next hour. (Take half damage.) Spell Orb Of Defense Once spun and lofted in the air from the in the possessor’s hands, his shining orb of light provided +1 AC and 10 Temporary hit points. Using the items is a bonus action. Once the 10 temporary hit points are used, the orb of magic disappears to never be used again. Spell Orb of Levitation When broken on the bearer or on an intended target (use Dexterity and proficiency bonus to hit), the orb causes the target to float a foot off the ground for one minute. The target’s ground speed is reduced to 5 feet per turn. Traveler’s Potion Once consumed, the drinker increases their foot by 25 feet. The effect lasts for four hours.
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