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Everything posted by Raindog

  1. Bear Torc: Grants Advantage on all Constitution Saves and Grant 4 hit points when they make a Constitution Save for a Death Save. Flaming Ball: The bearer can throw this one time weapon up to 50 feet. If she makes a ranged at an additional +3 bonus, it hits for 2d6+2 points of damage. Torc of Kord: Attunement Required. The Torc grants the attuned bearer resistance to Lightning damage. Gnome Mail Shirt. This gnome made mail shirt is half the weight of standard mail shirt. The shirt sparkles and counts as +1 to the standard armor. Gnomish Pistol: 6 rounds, D4. Helm of Night Vision. Attunement When worn, the magic helm allows the attuned wearer to have Dark Vision up to 60 feet. When worn, the bearers eyes glow red and grants a +1 Armor Class. Red Spear: This magic spear causes each wound it causes to bleed on the following rounds until the player is magically healed or it attended to by a 16 medicine check. Spear of Freygar. Attunement Clerics of Kord cult of Freygar create this magic spear and gift them to worthy cult members after a great victory. The spear is a +1 weapon. Once attuned, the spear does an additional d4 of Lightning damage. Furthermore, the spear has three charges. As a standard action, the bearer can launch a missile of Lightning with a range of 60 feet. The missile hits on a successful ranged attack roll and does 2d8 points of damage. The Swift Short Sword: Attunement Required. The magic sword gives the bearer advantage on Initiative Rolls. Torc of Kord: Attunement Required. The Torc grants the attuned bearer resistance to Lightning damage.
  2. I have talked to the DM. He thinks it is his fail. He was unemployed and now working 53 hour weeks. He said he has a hard time anticipating the player's needs as well as the predicting where and what option the group will head.
  3. There are great sessions and two bad ones so far. The best part of the last session is the bard decided Oasis' "Wonderwall" was his song of inspiration and my character began to use minor illusion to augment the song. It was hilarious. All the players laughed, but it annoyed the DM (who hates the song).
  4. Another map, this time from my perspective as a player.
  5. The session was not fun. My wife threaten to quit the game.
  6. Smoking will kill you. Bacon will kill you too. But smoking bacon will cure it.
  7. One of my campaign maps
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